
  • 网络QXGA
  1. 作者提出了三种方法:提高CCD像数;

    Author advances three methods : improving quantities of image cell ;

  2. 面对现实吧!还尚未有任何一种产品可以像数年前iPhone刚刚面世时那样掀起智能手机界的革命。

    Let 's face it , a product has yet to appear that could revolutionize the smartphone landscape as the iPhone did when it launched years ago .

  3. 利用软件进行像数细分。

    Using software to fractionize quantities of image cell .

  4. 像数:是图像无素的缩写。

    Pixel : A contraction of picture elements .

  5. 但是动态编程通常被用于最优化问题(比如本文后面的示例),而不是像斐波纳契数这样的问题。

    But dynamic programming is usually applied to optimization problems like the rest of this article 's examples , rather than to problems like the Fibonacci problem .

  6. 像一个数或这个数之类的短语,告诉我们表达式中含有一个未知量,称之为变量。

    Phrases like " a number " or " the number " tell us our expression has an unknown quantity , called a variable .

  7. 根据拓扑熵的定义公式,用逆像点个数的方法找到了有限长度超稳揉序列词的拓扑熵的差分关系式.该函数关系式直接依赖于揉序列词。

    According to the definition of topological entropy , a new method of calculating topological entropy is found , which directly depends on the kneading sequence or word .

  8. 像如今的大多数数工具一样,可以以多种方式运行FindBugs&从GUI、从命令行、使用Ant、作为Eclipse插件程序和使用Maven。

    Like most tools these days , you can run FindBugs in multiple ways & from a GUI , from a command line , using Ant , as an Eclipse plug-in , and using Maven .

  9. 用一维像分辨目标架数的方法可用于窄带相参雷达。

    The method can be used in narrow band coherent radar .

  10. 作为漫威电影宇宙最强大的魔法师之一,奇异博士能像处女座一样在数秒之内制定出拯救世界的战略。

    As one of the most powerful sorcerers in the MCU , Doctor Strange has the Virgo-esque ability to create world-saving strategies within a matter of seconds .

  11. 通过实验研究,可以将印版的分辨率确定为它能在某一曝光量下同时再现的相同宽度的阳像和阴像线条的微米数;

    By experiments and analysis , the plate resolution can be determined as the micron number of the same width of positive and negative lines under a specific exposure .