
  • 网络Bin Location Management;Management of storing place
  1. 本文介绍了某发动机公司在集装箱配载模式下,基于仓库储位管理和信息系统相结合,在SAP的WM模块基础上开发的仓库管理系统及其功能。

    This paper introduced Warehouse Management System of one engine company , which is designed based on the combination of theories on warehouse location management and information system . It is designed based on container packing mode and SAP WM module .

  2. 第五章是利用仿真技术对储位管理系统进行设计和优化,主要解决的是储位管理系统和拣货管理系统的设计问题。

    In chapter 5 , we used the simulation method to design and optimize the position management . It settled the problem of position management and picking management system design .

  3. 在第六章,介绍了物流中心的管理信息系统,并对其中的储位管理、商品资料管理、库存管理、出入库管理、补货退货管理、配送管理等做了重点介绍。

    In the sixth chapter , it introduce management information system of logistics center , especially about deposited location , goods datum , inventory , in and out warehouse , supplement and returning goods , distribution management etc.

  4. 配送中心储位动态管理模型研究

    Research of Dynamic Location Management Model in Distribution Center