
  1. 亚历克斯:在偷尝禁果之前他就应该想到。

    Alex : He should have thought of that before he decided to cheat .

  2. 美国国内有人也争论说,是否应该把这个年限定低一点,否则只会让年轻人更想偷尝禁果(?)

    Americans debate whether it should be lowered , or whether young drinkers would only drink more .

  3. 然而,自打亚当和夏娃无视上帝的命令偷尝禁果以来,人类很可能一直都是糟糕的倾听者。

    But humans have probably been bad listeners since Adam and Eve ignored God 's edict and ate the forbidden fruit .

  4. 是人,而不是上帝,创造「原罪」观念的,归罪夏娃偷尝禁果,引起人类的堕落。

    It was man , not God , who created the concept of original sin , whereby Eve tasted of the apple and caused the downfall of the human race .