
  • 网络healthy economy;health economics
  1. 生产效率(工人每小时的产出)是健康经济的关键。

    Productivity how much output workers produce per hour of work is the key to a healthy economy .

  2. 正式颁布的计划所确立的首要目标是,到1952年在西欧建立“一个不依赖大量外援的健康经济”。

    The program 's official enactment identified the supreme objective as creating in Western Europe " a healthy economy independent of extraordinary outside assistance " by1952 .

  3. 经济衰退促使味好美五香粉公司(McCormickSpices)打破了内部传统观念&从一家调味品制造企业升级并重新定位为健康经济膳食专家。

    The recession led McCormick spices to challenge its internal orthodoxy that it was a spice manufacturer and position itself instead as an enabler of healthy and affordable meals .

  4. 健康经济研究领域的潜在问题分析

    Research on Potential Problems in the Field of Health Economy

  5. 上海市空气污染造成人群健康经济损失的研究

    A Study of Air Pollution-Induced Health-related Economic Losses in Shanghai

  6. 你要靠自由市场来建立一个健康经济环境。

    You gotta use the free market and build a green economy .

  7. 青岛市大气污染对人体健康经济损失评估

    Evaluation on effects of Qingdao air pollution on economic loss of human health

  8. 为了过上健康经济的生活,你必须存钱以备不时只需。

    To lead a healthy financial life you need to save money for a rainy day .

  9. 一个健康经济体的金融市场主要特点。

    Major indicators of money supply and policy instruments of central bank used to manage economic development .

  10. 我们的研究目的是从远期效果,生活质量及健康经济效益来评估这些药的功效。

    We aimed to assess efficacy with regards to longer-term outcomes , quality of life , and health economic outcomes .

  11. 污灌区居民由于受饮用水和食物等污染,每年的健康经济损失总计为127.2050万元。

    The economic losses on health come to 127 , 2050 yuan per year because of the polluted water and foods .

  12. 拥有最健康经济的西方国家(例如斯堪的纳维亚半岛国家)也是平等程度最高的国家。

    Western countries with the healthiest economies ( for example those in Scandinavia ) are also the countries with the highest degree of equality .

  13. 我们的国际贸易,虽然很重要,但现在在时间和必要性上,次于对本国健康经济的建立。

    Our international trade relations , though vastly important , are in point of time and necessity secondary to the establishment of a sound national economy .

  14. 质量伦理意味着一种世界范围内的国家经济竞争力,它对市场经济作为一种避免畸形经济的健康经济、高生活质量标准的经济具有规范作用。

    The quality ethics reflects a national competitiveness in the global context , thus it serves to regulate the market economy with the healthy and high-quality economy .

  15. 完善的货币政策传导机制是任何一种稳定发展的经济所必须的,是健康经济的重要标志之一。

    It is essential for any stably developing economy to have a perfect transmission mechanism of monetary policy , which is one of the important signs of healthy economy .

  16. 因此,我们可以说,假冒伪劣产品是我们健康经济中的一颗“毒瘤”,对此必须尽快清除。

    Therefore , we can say that fake and inferior products are a dangerous " tumor " in our healthy economy , which must be cut away as soon as possible .

  17. 与此同时,农民为降低健康经济风险所采取的预防性储蓄行为又导致居民储蓄率的上升,扩大农民内需便失去了基本动力。

    Meanwhile , the precautionary savings behavior that farmers take in order to reduce health economic risks lead to the rise of household savings rate , which reduces the basic driving force of expanding farmers ' domestic demand .

  18. 公司利益主张废除规章制度,即使这些规章制度已经为保护和改善我们的环境、安全、健康和经济本身做了大量工作。

    Corporate interests argued for getting rid of regulations , even when those regulations had done so much to protect and improve our environment , our safety , our health and the economy itself .

  19. 至于他们此行的另一个目的,两人表示,他们希望收集人们关于健康、经济和政治等议题的好主意。

    As for the other purpose of their journey , the two said they wanted to get people 's good ideas on topics such as health , economyand politics .

  20. 但IMF报告谈到的是更为宽泛的问题,即银行和其他金融机构应该在健康的经济体中扮演多大的角色?

    But the IMF research tackles the broader question of how big a role banks and other financial institutions should play in healthy economies .

  21. 今年3月在华盛顿举行的亚太经合组织(APEC)会议上,我阐述了我认为健康的经济竞争应当具备的四个特征。

    Last March in APEC meetings in Washington , I laid out four attributes that I believe characterize healthy economic competition .

  22. 国际旅行速度加快将整个世界系在一起,而聊天室、博客和Twitter等则将人们的生活串联起来,在这样一个世界里传染病会给健康和经济造成远远更大的威胁。

    Infectious diseases are a much larger health and economic menace in a world tied together by the speed of international travel , and live-wired by chat rooms , blogs , and Twitter .

  23. 比尔盖茨(billgates)保证,将继续增加针对教育、健康与经济发展事业的捐款,尽管近来由于全球金融市场暴跌,盖茨所捐赠资产的价值大幅下降。

    Bill Gates has pledged to continue increasing his donations to education , health and economic development despite a sharp fall in the value of his endowment , caused by the recent collapse in global financial markets .

  24. 这对安格拉•默克尔(AngelaMerkel)而言是个新问题。这位德国总理自2005年底执政以来,一直享有健康的经济和2.6%的年增长率。

    This is new territory for Angela Merkel , the chancellor , who has enjoyed a healthy economy and annual growth of 2.6 per cent since coming to power in late 2005 .

  25. 药品不良反应(ADR)给患者身心健康及经济造成了极大的损害,药品不良反应损害已日益发展成为一个社会问题,该问题已引起了世界的高度关注。

    Adverse drug reaction ( ADR ) caused great mental , physical and economic harm to the patients . The damage of ADR is increasingly developing into a social issue , which has aroused great concern in the world .

  26. 5个单项功能中损害率居前3位的是躯体健康、经济维持能力和日常活动能力(ADL),损害率分别为41.0%、35.4%、15.4%。

    Among the five dimensions of functioning , the prevalence of the aged impaired with physical health , economic resources and ability of daily living ( ADL ) were the leading three . Their prevalence was 41.0 % , 35.4 % and 15.4 % respectively .

  27. 结果:该人群的LSIA平均得分为14.51±3.05,其影响因素主要有心境、健康和经济状况、婚姻、是否独居、工作地点和时间等。

    Results : The mean score of LSIA in this group of aged doctors was 14 . 51 ± 3.05 ; the influential factors of their life satisfaction mainly included mood , health , income , marriage , living alone or not , working place and time .

  28. 我国健康促进经济评价的回顾与分析

    Review and analysis on economic evaluation in health promotion of China

  29. 煤矿职业安全与健康对经济的影响研究

    Impact of Occupational Safety and Health in Coal Mine on Economy

  30. 但是数据远远高于健康的经济水平。

    It is still far above levels consisting with healthy economies .