
  • 网络parking;Parking area;PARKING ZONE
  1. 他把车子开进了停车区。非自动推进火车餐车

    He steered into the parking area . not self-propelled restaurant railway car

  2. 他把车子开进了停车区。

    He steered into the parking area .

  3. 这条路增加了停车区后宽度缩减到了18英尺。

    The road was reduced to 18ft in width by adding parking bays

  4. 一辆巡逻警车停在加油站的停车区。

    A police patrol car was parked in the forecourt of the petrol station .

  5. 我们从一个停车区经过时,一辆车发动了引擎。

    We were just passing one of the parking bays when a car 's engine started .

  6. 把MaBourgogne咖啡店外面的停车区换成一架秋千或者滑梯,你就拥有了完美的家庭活动地点:一个“父母友好型”场所,也就是说,这儿供应咖啡。

    Replace that parked car outside Ma Bourgogne with a swing or slide , and you 'd have the perfect family spot : parent friendly , which means " with coffee . "

  7. 请您将车开到停车区好吗?

    Would you please drive your car to the parking place ?

  8. 这个停车区是留给游客的。

    This section of the car park is reserved for visitors .

  9. 拖到绘图页后,可以指示残疾人专用的停车区和通道。

    Drag onto the page to indicate handicapped parking zones and access .

  10. 咪表停车区停车诱导系统的设计

    The Design of the Parking-area with the Parking-meter Guidance System

  11. 用来指示残疾人专用的停车区和通道。

    Use to indicate handicapped parking zones and access .

  12. 这是禁止停车区,但不管怎样我还是决定冒一次险。

    It was a no-parking zone , but I decided to risk it anyway .

  13. 此地是禁止停车区。

    This is a no parking zone .

  14. 他把车停到残疾人停车区。

    He parks in handicapped spaces .

  15. 那是残障停车区!

    That 's a handicapped zone !

  16. 她把汽车开到高速公路旁的停车区,等候援助。

    She drove the car onto the hard shoulder of the motorway and waited for help .

  17. 驶出停车区前,查看你的后视镜及盲点。

    Just before pulling out of the parking spot , check your mirrors and your blind spot .

  18. 在学生停车区,看见一辆新梅塞德斯或者保时捷是很寻常的事情。

    It was a common thing to see a new Mercedes or Porsche in the student lot .

  19. 车辆维护车间有着外部可扩展停车区的保障。

    The vehicle maintenance shop will be supported by an external , expandable , vehicle storage area .

  20. 我从停车区的车里出来,那个区域照明很不好。

    I got out of my car in the parking area , and the area was not lit very well .

  21. 一名在停车区停靠拍照的摄影师同时被传讯,因其在非紧急状态下停车。

    A photographer who pulled over to take pictures of the traffic stop was cited for stopping in a non-emergency situation .

  22. 此外,论文也论述了通过设置服务区、停车区和加水站也是有效减少失控车辆交通事故发生的有效措施。

    In addition , thesis expound the effective measure , which is to set up person who serve , parking zone and add water .

  23. 停车区是否设于厂区外面,以便和包装区做区隔,让车辆能在收、装货时独立进出?

    Are the parking areas outside your factory premises for cargo ¬ receiving and cargo ¬ loading separated from the packing areas for private vehicles ?

  24. 法兰克福机场近日将部分停车区涂成粉色并将其指定为女士专用,这一举动引发了广泛争议。

    Frankfurt airport has caused controversy after it painted a section of its car park pink and designated it entirely for the use of women .

  25. 然而,这些粉色停车区分散在多个地点,那些希望使用新停车区的女士不得不想办法找到前往那里的路线。

    Women hoping to avail of the new parking zones have to find their way to the pink areas which are located in several areas .

  26. 高速公路附属区服务用房包括服务区、停车区、收费站、监控通信所、养护工区等。

    Expressway auxiliary service buildings include service area 、 parking area 、 toll station 、 monitor station 、 signal station 、 maintenance zone and so on .

  27. 对于那些追求男女平等的人来说,更过分的是“女士专用停车区”的停车位比普通停车位要宽敞,似乎在暗示她们即使技术欠佳也可将自己的座驾安全停进这种停车位。

    Worse still for people striving for equality , the Ladies Parking section has bigger parking bays insinuating they require less skill to manoeuvre their vehicle safely into the parking spot .

  28. 互通式立交和其他设施(隧道、服务区、停车区和主线收费站)作为高速公路的主要组成部分,其合理的净距值将直接影响高速公路运行质量和行车安全。

    Interchange and other facilities ( tunnels , service areas , rest area and toll station ) as a major component of the highway , the reasonable spacing values will directly affect the quality and highway traffic safety .

  29. 此处是‘禁止停车’区。

    This is a ' No Parking ' area .

  30. 地下停车场A区和B区有通道连接。

    There is an Alleyway connecting Parking Area A and B.