
zuò kōng
  • Short selling;sell short
  1. MACD柱帮助你在赢的一方下注,反之则做空。

    MACD-Histogram helps you bet on the winning party and sell short the opposition .

  2. DataExplorers表示,神舟矿业也是做空者借入成本最高的股票之一。

    Its shares are also among the most expensive for short-sellers to borrow according to Data Explorers .

  3. 做空机构GlaucusResearchGroupCaliforniaLLC正将目标锁定一家台北上市的中资泡沫橡胶回收公司。

    Short-seller Glaucus Research Group California LLC is going after a Taipei-listed Chinese foam-rubber recycler .

  4. ABS的技术分析图正形成头肩形,分析师建议对这支股票做空。

    Head and shoulders forming on the technical chart of ABS ; analyst recommends shorting .

  5. 并不一定要是正数,We're,not,going,to,restrict,x1,to,be,a,positive,number,你们应该了解,资产的数量可以为负,我们把这称为做空。

    X1 because , as you know or you should know , you can hold negative quantities of assets , that 's called shorting them .

  6. 同时,中国IPO市场仍缺乏对过度行为的一种关键限制:即做空股票的能力。

    The Chinese IPO market is also lacking one crucial check on excess : the ability to short shares .

  7. 周一,这个由香港证监会(SecuritiesandFuturesCommission)提起的案件开始听证时,这位做空者本人并不在香港。

    The short-seller was not in Hong Kong himself on Monday for the opening of the case brought by the Securities and Futures Commission .

  8. 在今年最受追捧的中国ipo中,做空一直是最佳赚钱方式。

    On the most heralded Chinese IPO of the year , shorting has been the best way to make money .

  9. autonomy资本公司增长了26%,部分是因为做空了欧元和欧洲信贷,同事做多了多种亚洲货币。

    Autonomy capital was up 26 % , partly because it shorted the euro and European credit and went long on various Asian currencies .

  10. 外汇对冲基金FXConcepts是今年获利于做空英镑交易的投资者之一。

    FX Concepts , the currency hedge fund , is among the investors to have profited from short sterling trades this year .

  11. 2012年,做空机构香椽公司(CitronResearch)公布报告称,该公司没有清偿能力,指责恒大集团向投资商提供虚假信息。

    In 2012 , the short-seller Citron Research published a report saying the company was insolvent , accusing Evergrande of presenting fraudulent information to investors .

  12. 信用违约互换(cds)激增,但做空东亚银行股票的头寸实际上少于“正常”水平。

    Credit default swaps shot up , but the level of shorting on bea stock was actually below " normal " levels .

  13. 香港“市场失当行为审裁处”正在对安德鲁•莱夫特(AndrewLeft)受到的市场不当行为指控展开听证。莱夫特是美国的一名做空者,他最知名的事迹是不久前高调挑战美国制药商Valeant。

    The body is hearing accusations of market misconduct by Andrew Left , the US short-seller best known for his recent high-profile battle with Valeant , the US drugmaker .

  14. 花旗还同意向美国证券交易委员会(SecuritiesandExchangeCommission)支付2.85亿美元,了结有关花旗在向投资者出售按揭债券的同时自己做空的指控。

    Citi also agreed to pay $ 285 million to settle securities and exchange commission charges related to a mortgage bond that Citi sold to investors and bet against at the same time .

  15. 中文日报《21世纪经济报道》(21stCenturyBusinessHerald)援引多名期货交易员的说法称,他们已接到中国金融期货交易所(ChinaFinancialFuturesExchange)打来的电话,指示他们不要做空市场。

    The 21st Century Business Herald , a Chinese daily , quoted multiple futures traders as saying they had received phone calls from the China Financial Futures Exchange instructing them not to short the market .

  16. 去年6月,美国做空集团浑水(muddywaters)指控该公司虚报资产,并利用关联方交易欺骗投资者。

    Last June , muddy waters , the US short selling group , accused the company of overstating its assets and using related-party transactions to defraud investors .

  17. CIO的交易员考虑做空信用指数,这一构想与认为信用市场应会回调的想法相符。

    Consistent with the view that credit was due a correction , CIO traders looked to short credit indices .

  18. 总部位于加州的做空机构香橼研究(CitronResearch)在其网站上发布的一份报告中说,基于对如新中国销售人员的采访,香橼研究认为如新的销售网络是一种典型的金字塔结构的传销。

    In a report posted on its website , California-based Citron Research said it believes based on interviews with Nu Skin salespeople in China that the company 's sales network is a pyramid .

  19. Glaucus专门针对中资公司做空,瞄准会计违规问题。

    The short-seller targets Chinese companies , highlighting accounting irregularities .

  20. 有关股价的讨论或做空者的活动与蜘蛛侠(Spider-Man)扯上关系,这并不常见。

    It is not often that Spider-Man features in share price discussions or the activities of short-sellers .

  21. 做空者已经借入了总部位于北京的中国神舟矿业公司(ChinaShenZhouMining&ResourcesInc.)96%的可借股份,这意味着做空者几乎已借不到用于做空的股票。

    Short sellers have borrowed 96 percent of Beijing-based China Shen Zhou Mining & Resources Inc. ( SHZ )' s lendable supply , meaning there is almost no equity available for short sellers to bet against .

  22. 周四,中国金融期货交易所否认了高盛(GoldmanSachs)等外国投资者用期货做空A股的传闻。

    The futures exchange on Thursday denied rumours that foreign investors including Goldman Sachs were using futures to place big bearish bets on mainland stocks , known as A shares .

  23. 换句话说:高盛将出售塞满了其它投行有毒垃圾的CDO,让这些投行做空。

    Decoded : Goldman would sell CDOs stuffed with other investment banks ' toxic waste , allowing them to short it .

  24. 周二,在纽约证券交易所上市的如新企业集团(NuSkinEnterprisesInc.)的股价下跌9.2%。此前一家做空机构指责该公司在中国进行传销。

    Shares in New York Stock Exchange-listed Nu Skin Enterprises Inc. dropped 9.2 % Tuesday after a short-seller accused the company of running a multi-level marketing operation in China , where such activities are illegal .

  25. 与传统ETF相比,这些做空型ETF的追踪误差更大,因为期货比股市更难控制。

    These short ETFs will suffer from greater tracking error compared with traditional ETFs , because futures are harder to manage than stocks .

  26. 曾通过做空安然(enron)获得丰厚利润的对冲基金经理吉姆夏诺斯(jimchanos)相信,中国是一个有待戳破的更大泡沫。

    Hedge fund manager Jim Chanos , who made his billions shorting Enron , believes China is an even bigger bubble waiting to be pricked .

  27. 他援引的一项研究显示,买入那些CEO持有大量公司股票的公司、做空CEO并未大量持股的公司,每年可斩获4%至10%的额外回报。

    He cites one study that shows investing in companies where chief executives own lots of stock , and shorting those where they do not , earns between 4 and 10 per cent a year .

  28. 我的股票经纪人周四早晨给我电话留言,说苹果公司(Apple)周五将赢得与三星电子(Samsung)的诉讼,如果我做多苹果,做空三星电子,就可以大赚一笔。

    My broker left a phone message Thursday morning saying that Apple was going to win its lawsuit over Samsung on Friday , so I could make a killing by going long on Apple and shorting Samsung .

  29. 这些指责开启了华尔街卖空者的做空热潮,引发了美国证交会(sec)的调查,并迫使纳斯达克(nasdaq)收紧了上市规则。

    The allegations have started a feeding frenzy among Wall Street short sellers , triggered an investigation by the securities and exchanges Commission , and forced NASDAQ to tighten its listing rules .

  30. 几乎在同一时间,Paulson&Co与高盛接洽,让其设计一只可通过做空让该对冲基金赚钱的CDO产品。

    At exactly the same time , it was approached by Paulson & Co to structure a CDO that the hedge fund could make money by shorting .