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piān ān
  • be content to retain sovereignty over a part of the country
偏安 [piān ān]
  • (1) [be content to retain sovereignty over a part of the country]

  • (2) 指封建王朝失去中原而苟安于仅存的部分领土

  • 王业不偏安。--《三国志.诸葛亮传》裴松之注引《汉晋春秋》

  • 偏安一隅

  • (3) 借指被迫离开原来的地方,暂居某处

  • 待到偏安于宗帽胡同,赁屋授课之后,她才始来听我的讲义。-- 鲁迅《记念刘和珍君》

偏安[piān ān]
  1. 如果想找个更安静、更闲适的地方,就去荷兰村(HollandVillage)。那里偏安于新加坡西侧,有一条全是酒吧和休闲场所的小巷。

    For those who want a quieter , more laid-back place then Holland Village is the place . Tucked away in the western side of Singapore , it has an alley of bars and lounges .

  2. 相对而言,吴、蜀两地偏安一隅,学风趋于保守,文学发展也较为滞后。

    Relatively speaking , Wu Shu , two remote , style tends to be conservative , literary development is lagging behind .

  3. 当新闻报导远方闹洪涝饥荒、违法渎职和百姓营养不良时,他们自我安慰可以偏安另一个世界。

    When news arrived of distant floods and famines , malfeasance and malnutrition , they told themselves that theirs was a world apart .

  4. 但南宋以妥协求和,偏安自保为基本方针,贯彻以文制武的军事指挥原则,极大地抑制了领兵将帅才能的发挥,妨碍了军事的发展。

    Moreover , its policy of appointing civil officials to control and restrain military officers greatly discouraged its generals and hindered the development of military strength .

  5. 东晋虽然偏安于江南,但历代帝王在位的时候都希望收复北方的国土。

    Although resting content with retaining sovereign in the south , rulers of the Eastern Jin did plan to recover the Central Plains in the north .

  6. 经常听到东京的哥堂而皇之地发表类似言论:英国和日本一样,都是偏安广袤大陆一隅的岛国。

    One commonly hears Tokyo cab drivers pontificate on the parallels : both Britain and Japan are islands stuck off the edge of a great continental landmass .

  7. 阮主政权从一个偏安江南、地狭人少的地方割据势力,经过发展成为一个实力强大的政权,它奠定了今天越南南方的基础。

    The Nguyen regime had developed from a remote and small separatist regional regime to a powerful regime , which established the base of today 's southern Vietnam .

  8. 在意识形态层面,南京被描绘成一个偏安、苟且、没有灵魂、无法报以厚望的迷城。

    In ideological discourse , Nanjing has been portrayed as a " Lost City " that breeding ground , struggling without a soul , can not be pinned hopes for .

  9. 中国历史并没有因为南宋偏安一隅阻碍文化艺术的发展,特定历史际遇反而推动了文化艺术向着更加繁荣蓬勃的方向前进。

    Faced with the particular historical opportunity , cultural and artistic development was not hindered by the partial control of Southern Song Dynasty but advanced toward a even more prosperous and vigorous direction .

  10. 只要一个人能意识到他的自由性,则他所遭遇的不幸将不会扰乱他灵魂的谐和与心情的偏安。

    So long however as a man is otherwise conscious that he is free , his harmony of soul and peace of mind will not be destroyed by the disagreeables that befall him .

  11. 除汴京外,宋朝特别是南宋偏安江南之后,许多都市名城都是倚水而建,接通两岸的桥便发挥了巨大的作用。

    In addition , the Song Dynasty , especially the Southern Song Dynasty many cities were built upon the water . Once city was built upon the water , the bridge which connects with the two sides played a great role .

  12. 民国时期,在日本侵扰山西之前,运城在晋系军阀阎锡山的统治下,偏安一隅,政治、经济、教育、社会等各方面都有所发展。

    In the Republic of China , especially in Japan before the intrusion of Shanxi , Yuncheng is ruled by Shanxi warlord Yan Dishpan , the sacrifice the long corner , politics , economic , education , society and other aspects have been improved .

  13. 东晋政权维持了长期的偏安统治,到公元420年被南朝刘裕所建立的宋所取代,共享国103年,历四代十一帝。

    Content to retain sovereignty over just a part of the Western Jin territories , the Eastern Jin lasted 103 years and was overthrown in 420 by the Song Dynasty founded by Liu Yu . Altogether the Eastern Jin lasted four generations and had eleven emperors .

  14. 宋通常分为北宋和南宋两个时期,北宋是与辽、夏、金对峙时期,而南宋则是偏安衰亡时期。

    There were two periods in Song , the Northern Song and the Southern Song . The Northern Song was a time coexisted with its counterparts of Liao , Xia and Jin.The Southern Song was continuing of the Northern Song which was retained in the south .