
  • 网络yamase
  1. 河西绿洲大多数台站夏季盛行偏东风,冬季盛行偏西风,各站的最大风速一般出现在春季。

    The highest wind velocity of the weather stations in the oasis usually appears in spring .

  2. 在偏东风的影响下,菲律宾吕宋上空出现焚风效应。

    Under the influence of easterly winds , fohn effect appeared over luzon , the philippines .

  3. 大气冰核浓度受风向的影响,无风时测值较小,偏东风时测值较大,高温核浓度增加明显。

    The number of ice nuclei is also affected by wind direction , greater in east winds and less in calm .

  4. 酸雨频率随风速增大而升高,东北偏东风和东南偏东风容易出现酸雨。

    The acid rain frequency increase with wind velocity ; Wind of ENE and ESE can appear the acid rain easily . 3 .

  5. 水汽辐合中心主要集中在边界层附近,偏东风入流将水汽向暴雨区集中,次级环流的上升支将水汽向中高层输送;

    Easterly inflow pushed water vapor to the rainfall area and upward branches of the secondary circulation transported the water vapor to the middle and upper troposphere .