
jiǎ zhī
  • Prosthesis;artificial limb;replacement demand
假肢 [jiǎ zhī]
  • [replacementdemand;artificial limb] 身体失去的或截除的某一部分的人工替代物

假肢[jiǎ zhī]
  1. 基于VB的假肢厂客户信息管理系统用VB和Access数据库、ADO控件和Excel实现。

    VB and Access database , ADO Control and Excel was applied in management system of client information for artificial limb factory .

  2. 六杆机构在假肢膝关节设计中的应用

    Appliance on the Design of Six-bar Mechanism in Artificial Limb Knee

  3. 那个腿部被截肢的女人可以装假肢并学着用它来行走。

    The woman whose leg had been amputated could get a prosthesis and learn to walk on it .

  4. 这样的系统不需要面对面操作,我很清楚,互联网正在扩大我的社交假肢系统的范围。

    Such systems do not need to operate face-to-face , and it 's clear to me that the Internet is expanding the range of my own social prosthetic systems .

  5. 她生来就没有下半条腿,一生都戴着假肢。

    She was born without the lower half of her legs and has worn prosthetic ones all her life .

  6. 下肢假肢接受腔生物力学评价及CAE技术研究

    Research on Biomechanical Assessment and CAE Technology for Lower-limb Prosthetic Socket

  7. 它的脚掌在刚出生时就是“向后背”的,但是由于那什维尔一家3D打印公司的帮助,它被按上了新的假肢。

    Born with a backwards foot , he just got a new one thanks to a 3D printing company in Nashville .

  8. 美国加利福尼亚州旧金山的BespokeInnovations公司则想设计并“打印”出人工假肢。

    Bespoke Innovations in San Francisco , California wants to design and print artificial limbs .

  9. 运用VB语言及SolidWorks中的API接口对SolidWorks进行了二次开发,实现了对机器人型假肢模型的参数化仿真。

    The Solidworks API interface is re-developed , parametric simulation for the model of MDOF Robotic Prosthesis is completed .

  10. 随着信号处理方法和计算机技术的发展,如何从EMG信号中有效地提取信息并实现准确的动作识别,是肌电控制假肢实用化进程中的重要问题。

    Effective signal feature extraction and accurate function identification are the crucial problem involved in practical prosthesis control .

  11. 实验表明,改进的BP网络在训练速度和识别精度上都比标准的BP算法有了很大提高,这对于肌电假肢的控制具有良好的应用前景。

    Experimental result shows that the improved BP neural network has a great potential when applied to electromechanical prosthesis control because of its enhanced training speed and identification accuracy .

  12. 去年秋天,一个教授朋友和我一起开始探索费用较为合理的特制3-D打印假肢。这种技术很有希望解决撒迪厄斯的问题。

    Last fall , a professor friend of mine and I started exploring the more affordable and customizable world of 3-D printed prosthetics , which held huge promise for Thaddeus .

  13. 本地的记者私底下联系我,希望能在撒迪厄斯的新3-D假肢完成和试戴以后,让他们写一篇关于他和假肢的温情的独家文章。

    Local journalists had privately reached out to me , asking for an exclusive human interest piece on Thaddeus and his new 3-D prosthetic once it was finished and fitted .

  14. DTW算法适用于小词汇量、特定人的语音识别,适合本论文中机器人假肢的语音控制命令辨识。

    This algorithm adapts to use in the small vocabulary and speaker dependent person in speech recognition .

  15. 被拆卸的假肢将被运到加纳(Ghana),在那里,接收过培训的本地医生会重新组装这些部件,做成适合病人的假肢。

    The disassembled legs will be shipped to Ghana , where locally trained clinicians will rebuild them to fit patients there .

  16. SDC六连杆假肢膝关节机构的优化研究

    Optimization of SDC 6-Bar Polycentric Knee Mechanism

  17. 在戴维森郡拘留所(MetroDavidsonCountyDetentionFacility)狱警的监督下,6名身穿蓝色工作服的犯人正在忙碌地处理着那些假肢。

    Under the watchful eye of the prison guards at Metro Davidson County Detention Facility , half a dozen inmates in blue overalls are wrestling with prosthetic legs .

  18. 本论文根据现代假肢的特点以及现代人工智能技术,以主动式膝上假肢为研究对象,分别采用了常规PID控制和迭代学习控制进行了研究。

    According to the characteristics of modern artificial intelligence techniques and the modern artificial limb , this thesis makes active above-knee artificial limb for research object based on the PID control and iterative learning control .

  19. 这个监狱车间是由监狱与美国一家慈善机构与希望同立(StandingWithHope)合作建立的,该机构总部位于田纳西州首府纳什维尔(Nashville),专门回收多余的假肢,然后稍往发展中国家。

    The prison workshop is home to a collaboration with Standing With Hope , a US charity based in Nashville , Tennessee that recycles unwanted prosthetic limbs for the developing world .

  20. 本文针对假肢等人-机仿生系统肌电控制装置的特点,研制了一种小型表面EMG测试与分析系统。

    To meet the requirement of developing myoelectric controller for a man-machine systems , a surface electromyography ( EMG ) detection and analysis system is discussed in this paper .

  21. 在线的步态相位识别和压力中心COP检测是两足类人机器人、人工假肢,以及腿部康复训练机器人的关键技术之一。

    The calculation of the online gait phase identification and centre of pressure ( COP ) is one of the key technologies of biped robot , artificial limb , and rehabilitation robot .

  22. 然而EEG本身及其复杂,在识别上有很大的困难,不能依据采集到的EEG直接控制假肢的动作,选择合适的特征提取方法和分类算法显得尤为重要。

    The EEG collected directly isn 't of enough information and can 't adapt to the development of artificial hand . So it is very important to choose correct methods of EEG feature extraction and classification .

  23. 本文将有限元方法与现有的假肢接受腔设计CAD/CAM系统相结合,开展了面向临床应用的接受腔生物力学性能评价研究。

    Accordingly , the research described in this thesis has been carried out to integrate FEA with current CASD / CASM ( Computer Aided Socket Design & Manufacture ) systems to meet the requirements of biomechanical assessment in clinical prosthetic socket design .

  24. 应用各齐次变换方程连乘的方法求出运动学方程,在此基础上求出机器人手臂运动控制的雅可比矩阵,用蒙特卡洛法代入MATLAB仿真程序分析了机器人假肢的有效工作空间。

    Forward kinematics equation was solved using the homogeneous transform equation . Then jacobian matrix about the action of the robot was solved , and the effective work space of the robot had been analyzed with the Monte Carlo law by Matlab emulation program .

  25. 6岁失去双腿的RudyGarcia-Tolson是一名残奥会金牌得主,目前他参加了多伦多流动义诊,教年轻人使用假肢的方式。

    Rudy Garcia-Tolson , a gold-medal Paralympian who lost both legs when he was 6 , teams up with Toronto mobility clinic teaching youngsters how to use prosthetics .

  26. 总之,韦伯斯特和他的团队用了3年多的时间找到了他们心仪的公司&假肢供应商RSL。

    In total , it took Mr Webster and his team more than three years to find their company , a prosthetic limb supplier called RSL .

  27. 本文提出了一种新的判定人体步态对称性的方法,通过PCA的步态数据重构方法不仅证明了人体步态数据的对称,同时也说明了它也是一种好的智能假肢步态规划的方法。

    This paper presents a new proof of the method of symmetry of the human gait . PCA gait data reconstruction method not only proves that the symmetry of human gait data , but also shows it is a good IP gait planning approach .

  28. 本分解算法的运用使得医疗诊断和假肢控制等领域可以通过非侵入式测量得到SFAP随时间的变化规律。

    The significance of such solution is that the variation of SFAP can be obtained by a non-invasive manner for physical diagnose and artificial limb control .

  29. 结论Chopart截肢应用碳纤脚制作假肢是一种值得推荐的新方法。

    Conclusion : The application of Chopart cutting limb method on prosthesis using carbon fiber foot is a new method worthy of spreading .

  30. 为模型分别施加与HeelStrike、FootFlat、Mid-Stance、HeelOff和ToeOff五个典型步态时相相对应的载荷,通过有限元计算分析一体化假肢在各时相应摘要力分布的特点。

    The model was applied to the loads corresponding to the subphase of the stance of Heel Strike , Foot Flat , Mid-Stance , Heel Off and Toe Off . Using a finite element solver , the characteristics of the stress distribution corresponding to each subphase of stance were analyzed .