
  • 网络pseudoobstruction;intestinal pseudo-obstruction IPO;IPO;intestinal pseudo-obstruction
  1. 平片表现假性肠梗阻征和局限性固定气囊影。

    Plain film showed intestinal pseudo-obstruction sign and localized fixe gas cyst .

  2. 目的分析慢性假性肠梗阻(CIP)的临床特征和诊断方法。

    Objective To analyze and determine the clinical characteristics and diagnostic methods of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction ( CIP ) .

  3. 现已证实,HuD的低表达与视神经发育障碍、先天性巨结肠等疾病相关,其多克隆抗体anti-Hu抗体在副肿瘤综合征、假性肠梗阻等多种疾病的发病机制中扮演一定角色。

    It is proved that there is some certain relationship between HuD low expression and Hirschsprung disease . The polyclonal antibody , anti-Hu antibody , plays a role in pathogenesis of paraneoplastic syndrome and pseudo-intestinal obstruction .

  4. 如何避免慢性假性肠梗阻的误诊误治

    How to Avoid Misdiagnosis and Mistreatment of Chronic Intestinal Pseudo Obstruction

  5. 慢性假性肠梗阻的发病机制及诊治进展

    Diagnosis , treatment and pathogenic mechanism of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction

  6. 儿童慢性假性肠梗阻的手术治疗和预后

    Surgical treatment and prognosis of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction in children

  7. 系统性红斑狼疮并发慢性假性肠梗阻的临床研究

    Clinical analysis of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction in systemic lupus erythematosus

  8. 系统性红斑狼疮并发假性肠梗阻及输尿管肾盂积水的临床及实验室特点

    Intestinal pseudo - obstruction and ureterohydronephrosis in systemic lupus erythematosus

  9. 系统性红斑狼疮合并假性肠梗阻7例临床分析

    Seven-case analysis on intestinal pseudo-obstruction in systemic lupus erythematosus

  10. 慢性假性肠梗阻的临床特征和诊断

    Clinical characteristics and diagnosis of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction

  11. 18例为慢性特发性假性肠梗阻,其中1例为家族性内脏肌病,5例继发于结缔组织病。

    Eighteen cases were chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudo-obstruction ( 1 familial myopathy ), 5 were secondary to CTD .

  12. 目的分析原发性慢性假性肠梗阻的临床特点及治疗方法,提高对该病的认识。

    Objective To analyze the clinical characterist ic s and treatment of chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudo-obstruction ( CIIP ) .

  13. 目的了解胃肠激素在早产儿假性肠梗阻发病中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the implication of the gut hormones in the preterm infants with intestine pseudo obstruction ( IPO ) .

  14. 结论腹部手术后假性肠梗阻可以通过保守治疗缓解,对于保守治疗无效的患者应及时手术治疗以免延误病情。

    If no effect can be ensured , immediate surgical operation should be strongly recommended to prevent the illness from becoming worse .

  15. 结果异烟肼致假性肠梗阻6例,其中2例行剖腹术,4例行保守治疗,2例术中探查后发现为假性梗阻,4例行保守治疗成功。

    The 2 operation cases are found to be intestinal pseudo obstruction . After our treatment and operations , all these 6 cases have been cured successfully .

  16. 结论:红霉素具有促进胃动力的作用,而对小肠无明显作用,故适用于治疗胃瘫,而对假性肠梗阻疗效可能不佳。

    CONCLUSIONS As erythromycin has different effects on stomach and small intestine it can be used for treatment of gastroparesis but not for pseudo obstruction of intestine .

  17. 方法回顾6例异烟肼致假性肠梗阻病例的临床资料的处理。

    METHODS We review and analyse 6 cases appeared from 1992 to 2003 . RESULT These 6 cases of intestinal pseudo obstruction caused by isoniazid include 2 operation cases , 4 cases treated .