
zhài quàn shì chǎnɡ
  • bond market
  1. 债券市场通常在夏天萧条期后开始复苏。

    The bond market normally revives after the summer doldrums .

  2. 被称为点心债(DimSumbond)的离岸人民币债券市场的壮大,也发挥了类似作用。

    The rise of the offshore renminbi bond market – known as dim sum bonds – has also helped .

  3. 银行间债券市场的SCP分析

    A Structure - Conduct - Performance Analysis of Inter - bank Bond Market

  4. 她拒绝让欧洲央行(ECB)充当最后借款人来停止危机在债券市场的蔓延。

    She refuses to call on the European Central Bank to be the lender of last resort to stop contagion in the bond markets .

  5. 欧洲央行(ECB)入市干预扶持欧元区债券市场。此前欧洲政治领导人和银行家们均警告称,债务危机正在深化,葡萄牙正日益落到需要接受国际纾困的田地。

    The European Central Bank intervened to prop up eurozone bond markets as political leaders and bankers warned that the debt crisis was deepening amid fears Portugal was edging closer to an international bail-out .

  6. 经济增长、企业改革、QFII(合格境外投资者)制度等,将对中国企业债券市场发展产生实质性影响。

    It should be realized that the development of economy , the reforms of enterprises and QFII are all factors that can affect the development of enterprise bond market .

  7. 使用ARCH/GARCH模型对我国银行间债券市场三个月回购利率进行了分析,发现其波动性能够用不对称性GARCH模型得到很好的描述。

    This paper analyzed the 3 month repurchasing rate in China inter bank bond market by using the ARCH / GARCH models . We found that the volatility of the interest rate can be described well by the asymmetric GARCH model .

  8. 本文以银行间债券市场和上交所债券市场国债回购利率的行为为研究对象,利用广义矩估计方法分别估计两个市场的回购利率的CKLS模型。

    Based on the data of 7-day repo rates on both inter-bank bond market and Shanghai Security Exchange bond market in China , CKLS models on the two markets are estimated respectively by GMM .

  9. 香港:从人民币离岸债券市场到人民币离岸中心

    HK : From RMB Offshore Bond Market to RMB Offshore Center

  10. 债券市场利率期限结构分析及其风险管理研究

    Term Structure and Interest Rate Risk Management in Chinese Bond Markets

  11. 我国债券市场的结构失衡及其纠正

    On the Out-of-balance of Structure of China Bond Market and Corrected

  12. 我国市政债券市场发展探析

    Probing into the Development Model of China 's Municipal Bond Market

  13. 制度创新推动债券市场发展

    Promoting the Development of Bond Market by Means of System Innovation

  14. 我国企业债券市场风险评估与管理

    Estimation and Management on the Market Risk of Corporate Bond in China

  15. 我国债券市场的内部结构及影响因素分析

    The Analysis of Inner Structure and Influence Factors of the Bond Market

  16. 建立和发展西部地方政府债券市场问题研究

    Study on Establishing and Developing Local Government Bond Market in Western China

  17. 交易所债券市场与银行间债券市场波动性比较研究

    Comparison of Volatility between Exchange and Interbank Bond Market s

  18. 关于发展我国市政债券市场的思考

    Some Considerations on Developing Municipal Bond Market in Our Country

  19. 公司债券市场信息不对称和政府作用

    The Information Asymmetry of Corporate Bond Market and the Government 's Role

  20. 这意味着股票市场对债券市场的波动溢出效应显著存在。这种溢出效应的非对称性表明,波动性存在单方向的影响。

    This means that spillover effect of stock market volatility is significant .

  21. 债券市场持续30年的牛市会不会终结?

    Will the 30-year bull market in bonds come to an end ?

  22. 为什么中国企业债券市场如此落后?

    Why is Chinese corporate bond market so slow ?

  23. 关于发展公司债券市场的几个问题

    Several issues in the development of corporate debenture market

  24. 对于公司债券市场发展进行系统研究有重要的现实意义。

    Development of systematic research for corporate bond market has important practical significance .

  25. 欧元区是一个多层次的经济体,也是一个多层次的主权债券市场。

    The eurozone is a multi-tiered economy and a multi-tiered sovereign bond market .

  26. 政府债券市场可能要为最困难的考验作好准备。

    Government bond markets could provide the trickiest test .

  27. 增强透明度对我国银行间债券市场信息效率的影响&以交易信息对流动性的影响为例

    The Effect of Enhancing Transparency on the Information Efficiency of Inter-bank Bond Market

  28. 债券市场中的迹象更让人摸不着头脑。

    Evidence from the bond market is more troubling .

  29. 几乎同样糟糕的是,债券市场可能会因此震荡。

    Almost as bad , bond markets could wobble .

  30. 美国市政债券市场因此再创新低。

    The bottom fell out of the Muni bond market as a result .