- 名loan interest;interest on borrowings

The borrowing costs shall include interest on borrowings , amortization of discounts or premiums on borrowings , ancillary expenses , and exchange balance on foreign currency borrowings .
Comparison of Methods for Calculating Loan Interest of a Construction Project
Bouygues SA 's shareholders were , in effect , footing most of the interest bill on SAUR 's borrowings , because they had the greater economic interest in Maison Bouygues and SAUR .
Now with a low , low 5.8 % A.P.R. Financing !
He 's having a lot of trouble paying his mortgage every month .
Approach to Theory & Methods of Dealing with Loan Interests in Our Country
The Accounting of the Cost of Long-term Loan Interest and the Profits of Bond Investment Interest
For re-lending businesses , the turnover shall be the balance of interest on lending less the interest on borrowing .
Since the total interest costs would fall because of low rates on the Eurobonds , the pressure on their budgets would recede .
In both cases it is a cost to the state either in the use of government revenues , the payment of interest on borrowed funds , or in the form of inflation .
The pre-tax of income financial cashflow statement on financing from only equity capital is used to study the profitability of a project before financing approach ( without interest ) and income taxing ;
Interest of loan and other related expenses for acquiring fixed assets that incurred after the assets having been put into opera - tion shall be accounted for as current profit of loss .
Houses , water area , small-scale agricultural irrigation infrastructure of village collectives are reformed to cash or new function system , through the approaches of selling , lending , contracting etc. Some interests that are exceed state legal standard , have been reduced .
Firstly , the laws and systems relevant to MBO are faultiness .
MX Factors would pay the contractors ' receivables up front and the contractors would pay the money plus interest back when the job was finished .
The interest on a loan may not be deducted from the principal in advance .
Interest on an annual basis deducted in advance on a loan . No interest shall be deducted from the principal in advance .
On Calculating Methods of Accrued Interest of Long - term Loan
A standard mortgage-loan document reads , 'I promise to pay'the amount borrowed plus interest , and some people say that promise should remain good even if it is no longer convenient .
In real estate , interest rates dropped significantly help to reduce investment risk and reduce the cost of real estate investments , but also conducive to reducing the interest burden purchase borrowers ;
Its Japanese parent needed cash , having been hard hit by a government ruling that consumers could apply retroactively for compensation for high interest payments they paid on earlier borrowings .
Where any interest amount is deducted from the principal in advance , the repayment of principal and calculation of interest shall be based on the actual amount borrowed .
Respectively in terms of four important aspects in the debt contract , namely new loans , debt maturity , loan types and interest rate , the paper studies the relationships between earnings quality and them , so as to evaluate the identification ability more comprehensively .
The new company can also lend money to its US subsidiary , and because the interest it pays on the loan is deductible , it cuts taxes on its domestic earnings .
Issuance activities of non-Exchange Fund paper slowed down in the year amid economic downturn and a poor external environment . Banks are charged the Base Rate with respect to the first 50 per cent of their holding of Exchange Fund Bills and Notes .