
dào zhuānɡ jù
  • inverted sentence
倒装句 [dào zhuāng jù]
  • [inversion] 修辞句式的一种,为了强调某一句子成分而改变其结构顺序的句子

  1. 科技英语倒装句的类型及翻译

    The Type and Translation of Inverted Sentence in Scientific English

  2. 第四章绥德民歌歌词的语法:简要叙述绥德民歌歌词中的古汉语倒装句、特殊搭配和其他一些小语法点。

    The fourth chapter-The grammatical feature of Suide folk song : Gives a brief account of the inverted sentence of ancient Chinese , puls special matchs and other small grammatical points of Suide folk songs .

  3. 雅思写作高分句型整理之十:倒装句只有政府采取适当的措施,这个棘手的问题才能被解决。

    E : Only if the government will take some appropriate measures , will this intractable problem be tackled .

  4. 英汉倒装句及其信息分布对比研究英汉倒装句

    Comparative Study of English and Chinese Sentence-inversion and its Information Distribution

  5. 英语倒装句的形式及其用法

    The Forms of the English Inverted Sentences and the Usage

  6. 原型模型论视角下的英语倒装句研究

    Study of English Inversion from the Perspective of Prototype-model Theory

  7. 本文以认知理论为基础,对英语倒装句进行分析研究。

    This thesis focuses on genre analysis of English resumes .

  8. 如果是言语句,那么,省略句和倒装句,不扣分;

    If general spoken sentences contain ellipsis or inversion , not deduct ;

  9. 优选论与英语方位倒装句研究

    Optimality Theory and the Study of English Locative Inversion

  10. 用正常语序改写下列倒装句。

    Rewrite the inverted sentences using normal word order .

  11. 无论在什么情况下都不可哄骗或强迫孩子吃东西。这是倒装句。

    On no conditions must a child be coaxed or forced to eat .

  12. 把下列句子改成倒装句。

    Turn the following sentence into an inverted one .

  13. 英语倒装句的语序与信息英汉倒装语序的语用功能分析

    Analysis of Pragmatic Function of Inversion in Chinese and English Word Order and Rhetoric

  14. 只有付出你才能拥有更多。(非常棒的英语倒装句!)

    Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have .

  15. 英语倒装句作为一种特殊的语序结构,有其特有的语义。

    As a marked word order structure , inversion has its own special meaning .

  16. 这种做法倒是怪新鲜的。倒装句:一种将句子正常的表达方法倒置的技巧。

    The technique of reversing , or inverting the normal word order of a sentence .

  17. 这里用了一个倒装句,来阐述科学家们的重大发现。

    Nowhere else have scientists found a greater number of these prehistoric creatures than here .

  18. 现代汉语中的倒装句是只存在于会话话语的句法现象。

    Inverted sentences in modern Chinese are syntactic phenomena found exclusively in the conversational discourse .

  19. 最后根据倒装句很多种不同的使用情况进行了分析。

    Finally , according to a variety of inversion is the use of an analysis .

  20. 也是一个倒装句。

    Also included are such anomalous ideas .

  21. 英语倒装句:一种认知方法

    English Inversion : A Cognitive Approach

  22. 英语倒装句研究

    A corpus-based study of English inversion

  23. 本论文主要对倒装句的使用及翻译方法进行了说明和举例。

    In this paper , mainly the use of inversion and translation methods are described and exemplified .

  24. 文章拟从结构差异和表达效果两方面对英汉倒装句进行对比研究。

    The article tries to study Chinese and English inversions from the structural differences and effects of expression .

  25. 每种方法都试过了,但我们发现通过只有这种方法才能做好。(后半句为倒装句)

    Every means has been tried , but we find only by this means can we do it well .

  26. 本文试以语用为视角,在语篇层面上探讨英语倒装句的语篇功能。

    This paper attempts to study the textual functions of English inversion at the textual level from a pragmatic perspective .

  27. 从顺应论动态语境谈英语演讲辞中的倒装句

    A Pragmatic Perspective on the Dynamic Context of English Inversion in Public Speeches with Reference to the Theory of Linguistic Adaptation

  28. 而其汉语原句却非倒装句:这种通篇说谎的文章怎么能被评为“最佳”?

    Of all the essays , why did he like this one best ? Not a single word of it was true .

  29. 先前的对于汉语口语中倒装句的研究主要是对倒装句的简要描述,而缺乏具体的分析。

    The previous studies of inverted sentences in spoken Chinese are mainly very brief descriptions about inverted sentences , and include no detailed analyses .

  30. 以往对倒装句的研究多是在文学文体中讨论倒装句的用法分类,以及倒装句的修辞功能和语篇功能。

    Previous studies about inversion are mainly on the usage , classification , rhetorical functions and textual functions . These researches have been done in the literary writing .