
  • 网络baluchi;Balochi;Baloch people;Baloch
  1. 他是巴基斯坦少数民族俾路支人。

    He is Baloch , an ethnic minority in Pakistan .

  2. 绝大多数阿曼人是阿拉伯人,尽管也有相当数量的俾路支人(伊朗人)。

    The majority of the Omanis are Arabs , although there is a sizable Baluchi minority ( Iranian people ) .

  3. 不过,阿克巴尔在电话采访中说,很多俾路支人对她感到不满,认为她玷污了该民族的声誉。

    But many Baloch people were upset because she was seen as bringing disrepute to the community , Mr. Akbar said by phone .

  4. 国际社会应该对巴基斯坦施压,让他们允许普什图人、俾路支人和信德人独立。

    The world needs to compel the Pakistanis to let the Pashtuns go , and allow them to have their own independent national existence , along with the Baluchis and Sindhis .

  5. 不过,虽然很多人称赞俾路支,也有人在社交媒体上庆祝她的死亡。

    But while many people lauded Ms. Baloch , others celebrated her death on social media .