
pái xié
  • Haiku;satiric;comic
俳谐 [pái xié]
  • [comic] 诙谐戏谑;诙谐戏谑的言辞

俳谐[pái xié]
  1. 唐代是中国古代俳谐诗创作的繁荣时期。

    Humorous Poetry of Ancient China in the Tang Dynasty is prosperous .

  2. 学生抱怨他的闲散方式和俳谐师身份不相称。

    Students complained that his casual manner was not befitting of a haiku master .

  3. 唐前俳谐文学研究

    Chinese Humorous Literature Before Tang Dynasties

  4. 禅宗对俳谐词的影响

    Zen 's influence on humorous-ci

  5. 俳谐诗的概念在古代文论中虽屡有提及,然而却多语焉不详,莫衷一是。

    The concept of humorous poems often mentioned in the ancient literature comments , but not detailed and inconsistent .

  6. 于是,在三十岁那年的春天,芭蕉遵循俳谐诗人的传统,出门旅行。

    So in the spring of his thirtieth year , Issa set out traveling in the tradition of haiku poets .

  7. 这一时期俳谐诗的创作群体形成了很大规模,并涌现了大量优秀作品。

    During this period , humorous poetry formed a very large population , and a large number of excellent works emerged .

  8. 汉末以后由于社会风气的转变,建安三国的嘲戏风气使俳谐文学迎来历史上第一个发展高峰;

    In the latter period of East Han Dynasty , the open social ethos made the humorous literature have the first peak .

  9. 通过对大量词作的禅学观照,发现禅宗的影响是不少俳谐词呈现幽默诙谐风格的重要背景来源。

    On analyzing many humorous-ci , the author finds that it is the influence of Zen that makes humorous-ci so satirical and humorous .

  10. 韩柳创作了相当数量的俳谐作品,一个最重要的目的就是认同并且发展文章的审美娱戏功能,他们认识到这一功能能否在作品中体现出来,对作品的艺术生命力有重要影响。

    HAN Yu and LIU Zong-yuan had created considerable literal works for entertainment in order to accept and expand the entertaining function of literature .

  11. 南北朝时期,一些南朝文人模拟公文形式创作了许多俳谐文。

    In the time of Northern and Southern Dynasties , some writers of the Southern Dynasties wrote some humorous articles simulating the governmental document .

  12. 因此笔者首先尝试着对俳谐诗的概念加以厘清,认为俳谐诗并非一种严格的诗歌体裁,而是概指诗歌幽默诙谐的内容及体貌风格。

    Therefore , the author first try to define the concept of humorous poetry . Humorous poetry is not a strict Poetry theme . It is just shall refer to the style of humorous poetry .

  13. 这些俳谐文的出现并非偶然现象,可以从当时特定的时代背景下文体的发展变化、文人的思想观念等方面找到其原因。

    The emerging of these articles was not by chance , for the cause of it can be found in the evolution of humorous styles and the viewpoints of the writers in the special background of that time .

  14. 俳谐文学是文学中一个独特的门类,在很长的一段时期,由于诙谐滑稽不为人重视,俳谐文学一直游离于正统文学之外,得不到应有的评价。

    Humorous literature is a distinctive part of literature , but it was alienated to the orthodox literature and had not been estimated properly for a very long time in history because people paid little attention to humor and buffoonery .

  15. 宋代俳谐词的游戏性作为一种精神植入文本,喜剧性的三个要素,作为宋代俳谐词致笑因素的根本所在,为后文宋代俳谐词解构性阅读和阐释奠定了基础。

    The game as a spirit implanted into the text , and the three essential elements of comedy , sent as the basis smiling factor in Song Dynasty Pai Xie Ci , are the foundation for the later reading and interpretation in deconstruction .

  16. 最后结合宋代俳谐词的游戏性和喜剧性这两大最为重要的特征,详细具体地分析宋代俳谐词解构性的文本特征,这是本文的重点。

    Finally , combines with the two most important characteristics , game and comedy of the Pai Xie Ci , and do a systematic analysis on deconstruction of the Pai Xie Ci of Song Dynasty . , which is the focus of this paper .

  17. 因此本文的前三个部分是对俳谐文学在唐以前三个重要历史时期中发展的概述,在突出重要的作家作品之余,也联系历史社会的因素分析各时期整个俳谐文学的概况。

    The first three parts will discuss the humorous literature from three important history eras . Humorous literature was in the rudimentary from the very beginning to Han Dynasty , and some humorous writers ' works laid a solid foundation for the whole humorous literature .
