- correction factor;coefficient of correction

The enquiry of " coefficient of correction " in traffic volume forecast
It brings forward different ratio revolution of centrifugal pump and impeller cutting calculating formula of different configurations . According to coefficient of correction given by practical result , it discusses specific cutting method and result .
The confirmation of color correction factor in LED photometric measurement calibration
A Study on Gear Calculating Stress Correcting Factors Based on BP Neural Network
Ultrasonic testing of the welds in TKY nodes : theoretical model for determining sound transmission distance modifying factor
Relation of quantity of fuel injection and needle vavle lift , rotation speed and pressure is got .
This thesis derives the formula of settlement modified coefficient using Bayesian theory .
Foundation of mathematical mode of modified coefficient K & restoring saturation coefficient a in the design of sand chamber
For av e ~ p method , the modification coefficient M , from influence of soil stress history is put forward .
Monte-Carlo Simulation of the Coincidence-summing Corrections for γ - ray Spectrometry
Formula ( 5 ) introduces the correction factor K to solve the calculation of the maximum potential difference in rectangular grounding network .
The daily efficiency of a solar collector can be calculated based on the instantaneous efficiency curve and the incident angle modifier K (θ . ψ) .
The deformation , pore water pressure and strength were considered under various stress conditions . Dynamic strength correction factors K α and K σ were discussed .
Determination on Weight Correction Factor and Quantitative Analysis of Tencel Fiber
The correlations are experimentally given for the modified coefficients of momentum-friction , resistance factor and the maldistribution factor . A design procedure for Ladder distributor is proposed .
Methods Absorbed doses were measured by TLD experimental methods and scattering correction coefficients were fitted by Matlab application computer program .
On modifying coefficients of first-order upwind scheme and second-order eno local lax-friedrich scheme
Based upon analytical solutions of governing equations for heat transfer in 2-4 , 2-6 split flow heat exchangers , the expressions for the temperature efficiency P and LMTD correction factor F are presented .
Monte-Carlo Calculations of HPGe Detection Efficiency and Coincidence-summing Correction
Combined with the regression analysis theory and simulation of Deform , the correction coefficient values were finally determined .
In multiple observation case , generally the output probability terms are introduced for each observation , which will cause the overflow problem again .
This paper analyses and proves that the restoring saturation coefficient α of one dimension extra saturation sediment discharge method and the modified coefficient K of the quasi hydrostatic settlement method are reciprocals each other .
The article analyses influence factors and deviation of LPG metering , including liquid volume , liquid density correcting coefficient , gas temperature and gas pressure reading etc.
The amplitude ratio is N polynomial of the frequency offset , and the complex amplitude correction factor has N polynomial as well as trigonometric function . So it gets a lot of calculated amount .
Principles on varied line space grating ( vls ) and its examination to line-space modifying parameters
Af ter the dynamic recrystallization was finished , the relationship between the average diameter of austenitic grains and the modification factor Z of temperature for de formation velocity was linearly conformable .
In this paper , the BP neural network model for flood forecasting is improved when add the correct coefficient , which error weight for bigger output example value is introduced into BP model to meet the peak flood .
By introducing the smoke density factor and self-similarity factor , the Morton equation has thus been discussed and improved .
This paper gives a new and accurate and reasonable analyzing and spreading out method for the stuff of the cold drawing helical vane , and explores the precise adjusting coefficient in experiment for the inner hole of the helical vane .
Objective Scattering correction coefficient of 60Co rays equivalent phantom was calculated by Sievert calculational method combined with experimental data .