
  • 网络earn a credit
  1. 在该体系下,学生可在已批准《里斯本认可公约》(LisbonRecognitionConvention)的53国中的任何一国,将已修学分转换成该国相应的同等学历。

    Under the system , students can transfer credits for study already completed towards an appropriate equivalent degree in any of the 53 countries that have ratified the Lisbon Recognition Convention .

  2. 必须取得的平均学分绩点的下限、以及在各院系或学科需修学分的分布情况。

    the minimum grade point average you must achieve and the distribution of credits you must have from among differing departments or fields of study .

  3. 面对兵役问题,还在修学分的他,表示等毕业后一定会乖乖去受国民应尽的义务的。

    With regards , to the army problem , Mike who was still taking his credits expressed that he would fulfil his responsibilities as a citizen after he graduated .

  4. 当时我犹豫不决,正要决定放弃,因为去以色列修学分要多花1600美元。

    I hesitated in making this decision and had just about decided not to go because it would cost me $ 1600 more to get the credits in Israel .

  5. 毕业要求中写明了你需要修的学分总数、

    Graduation requirements specify the number of credits you must earn ,

  6. 你修够学分了吗?

    Will your credits be enough ?

  7. M:很紧,我今年要修很多学分。

    M : Pretty busy . I have to pick up a lot of credits this year .

  8. 员工在大学学习期间修满学分,公司将付清他们每学期的学费。

    Those were enough credits to be college juniors and senior can get complete reimbursement for each of the full-time semester .

  9. 从教学管理看,大学实行学分制,学生可提前修满学分提早毕业,也可以延长学习时间。

    From the management of teaching , the University of the credit system , students can advance Xiuman early graduation credits , can also be extended learning time .

  10. 他说:在西方,你只要修够学分便能拿到学位,因此学生们可以搁置学业休假。

    In the West , as long as you earn enough credits you get the diploma , said Xiong . So students can suspend their study and take leave .

  11. 现在他只需再修两个学分就可以毕业了。

    Now he needs only two credit hours to graduate .

  12. 他需要再修3个学分才能毕业。

    He needs three more credits to graduate .

  13. v.毕业他需要再修3个学分才能毕业。

    graduate He needs three more credits to graduate .

  14. 我看到你已经修了必修学分中的的六个学分。

    I see you 've already taken six credits of your breadth requirements .

  15. 他们只给我修5个学分。

    They only let me take 5 credit hours .

  16. 克洛珀说,在默认情况下,大学必须承认学生从其他认证机构修得的学分;如果拒绝承认,必须给出正当理由。

    Credit from other accredited institutions must be accepted by default [ and ] any refusal must be justified .

  17. 培训要求:想成为殡仪业者必须获得大专学历或修得同等学分,然后通过州或国家委员会的执业资格考试,还要再做上1年到3年的实习生。

    Training : Aspiring morticians must complete an Associate Degree , or equivalent credits , pass a state or national board licensing licensing examination , and spend one to three years as an apprentice .

  18. 在国内学习期间,学生需要完成南京审计学院教学计划规定的课程,修满要求的学分。

    Students are required to take the following courses and acquire necessary credits in their study in nau .

  19. 在修满规定的学分之后,学生们即可获得中印两国分别颁发的学位证书。

    Students will receive separate master 's degrees from both China and India once they obtain the required credits .

  20. 未在修业期限修满应修学分者,得延长其修业年限二年。

    The students who do not receive the required credits in a term may extend their term of study by two years .

  21. 三年大专研读课程,须修读九十个学分。入学资格为拥有受承认之大学学位或同等学历。

    This is a three-year post-graduate program of90 credit hours ; open to graduates of recognised universities , or those with equivalent qualifications .

  22. 应实行弹性学制或主副修制,完善学分制收费管理办法,利用先进的电子网络技术完善学分制收费管理。

    How to establish a fair and reasonable charge system , use advanced charge methods and fulfill relevant complete set is the key link .

  23. 更高的两个年级的学生被称为大一和大二生,要修完60个学分的大学等级课程:加勒比文学、多媒体研究和莎士比亚等。

    Juniors and seniors - they 're called first years and second years - take 60 credits " worth of college-level courses , on Caribbean literature , multimedia studies and Shakespeare .