
  • 网络Rating agency;Credit Rating Agencies;CRA
  1. 本月早些时候,另一家信用评级机构标普(StandardandPoor')首次下调了美国国债信用评级。

    Earlier this month , another credit rating agency downgraded United States government debt for the first time .

  2. 信用评级机构标准普尔(StandardandPoor's)调低了对纽约债券保险公司ACA的评级,并警告称,另外5家公司也有可能失去最高信用评级。

    Standard and Poor 's , the credit rating agency , downgraded one bond insurer , New York-based ACA , and warned that five others could lose their top credit ratings .

  3. 资产证券化中的主体有:发起人、SPV、服务结构、信用评级机构等。

    The subject of securitization includes originator of sponsor , SPV , services , etc.

  4. 勾销QE债务的主要障碍在于市场和信用评级机构。

    The main obstacle to retiring the debt lies with the markets and credit rating agencies .

  5. 首先,市场和信用评级机构应该认识到,qe债务并不是真实的债务。

    First , the markets and credit rating agencies should recognise that QE debt is not real debt .

  6. 信用评级机构标准普尔(StandardPoors)上周警告称,(俄罗斯银行的)不良贷款率可能高达38%。

    Standard Poors , the credit ratings agency , warned last week that problem loans could reach as high as 38 per cent .

  7. 例如,将Abacus2007-AC1产品评定为AAA级的信用评级机构没有被列为被告。

    For example , the credit rating agencies , which rated Abacus 2007-AC1 triple A , were not named as defendants .

  8. 本月早些时候,调低美国评级的同一家信用评级机构确认了英国的3A评级。

    Earlier this month , the same credit rating agency that downgraded the US confirmed our triple A rating .

  9. 在可能要求银行增资的新规定出台之前,全球主要信用评级机构之一标准普尔(StandardPoor's)的一项研究报告,让人对一些大型银行的财务实力产生怀疑。

    A study by Standard Poor 's , one of the world 's leading credit rating agencies , has raised questions over the financial strength of some of the biggest banks ahead of new rules that could require them to raise more funds .

  10. 尽管如此,决策者采取资本管制还是有危险的,特别是可能会受到IMF和信用评级机构的谴责,以及国际投资者的惩罚。

    That said , policymakers adopted capital controls at their peril – not least risking condemnation by the Fund and by credit rating agencies , and punishment by international investors .

  11. 信用评级机构标准普尔(SandP)早些时候把西班牙的主权信用评级调降了两级,再次打击了人们对西班牙的信心。标普预测,西班牙今年已经开始的经济衰退将持续到2013年。

    Standard and Poor 's , the credit rating agency , earlier delivered another blow to Spanish confidence by cutting the country 's sovereign credit rating by two notches , predicting that a recession already under way this year would continue into 2013 .

  12. 信用评级机构惠誉(Fitch)的数据显示,中国债务总额自全球金融危机以来几乎翻了一番,占到GDP的240%左右。

    Total Chinese debt has virtually doubled since the financial crisis to around 240 per cent of GDP , according to Fitch , the credit rating agency .

  13. 信用评级机构也不会因希腊未能按时偿付IMF的贷款而认为它已经违约,因为技术上来说,IMF不被认为是商业放款人。

    Credit rating agencies also will not consider Greece to be in default based on missing the I.M.F. payment , for the technical reason that the I.M.F. is not considered a commercial borrower .

  14. 于是,sec明智地选择了另一种做法:由sec指定某些信用评级机构为全国认可的统计评级机构组织(nrsro),允许投资者依赖这些机构做出的评级。

    Instead , the SEC wisely chose to allow investors to rely on ratings produced by credit rating agencies that they designate as nationally recognised statistical rating organisations ( nrsros ) .

  15. 我们为彼此的推文点赞,受到信用评级机构的跟踪,给优步(Uber)司机打分,还会得到他们的评分。

    We like each other 's tweets , get tracked by credit-rating agencies , give stars to Uber drivers and are given stars in return .

  16. 欧盟各国政府、欧盟委员会(europeancommission)以及欧洲议会(europeanparliament)的许多成员都认为,信用评级机构对去年爆发的金融市场动荡应负部分责任,它们明显低估了结构性信用产品所带有的风险。

    EU governments , the European Commission and many members of the European Parliament share the view that rating agencies contributed to the financial market turbulence that broke out last year by significantly underestimating the risks attached to structured credit products .

  17. 信用评级机构已经警告美国如果不能及时提高债务上限以预防违约,则其AAA信用评级可能被降级。

    Credit ratings agencies have put the US on notice that its AAA rating may be cut if the debt ceiling is not raised in time to prevent a default .

  18. 在奥巴马(obama)政府所设想的、更为广泛的监管改革中,证交会预计将承担更大的责任,包括监管信贷衍生品市场,以及对信用评级机构和投资顾问实施更为严格的监督。

    In the broader regulatory revamp envisioned by the Obama administration , the Commission will be expected to take on even greater responsibilities , including oversight of the credit derivatives market and more stringent supervision of credit rating agencies and investment advisers .

  19. 该信用评级机构将日本从Aa2下调一级为Aa3。

    The credit rating agency downgraded Japan one step from Aa2 to Aa3 .

  20. 消息发布之际,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)主席玛丽夏皮罗(MarySchapiro)宣布,计划派出一个审查小组,集中监督标准普尔和穆迪(Moody's)等信用评级机构。

    The news came as Mary Schapiro , chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission , announced plans for a group of examiners to focus on supervising credit rating agencies such as SP and Moody 's.

  21. 信用评级机构惠誉(fitch)表示,西班牙新政府“必须拿出雄心勃勃、大刀阔斧的财政和结构改革计划,给投资者带来惊喜”。

    Fitch , the credit rating agency , said the incoming Spanish government " must positively surprise investors with an ambitious and radical fiscal and structural reform programme " .

  22. 标准普尔(Standard&Poor's)香港主管约翰•贝利(JohnBailey)表示,中国拥有大量所谓的信用评级机构,但它们面临市场分割、缺乏信用和利益冲突等问题。

    China has a huge number of so-called credit rating agencies but they suffer from a fragmented market , a lack of credibility and conflicts of interest , according to John Bailey , head of Standard & Poor 's in Hong Kong .

  23. 不过,信用评级机构DBRS的首席信用长罗杰·李斯特尔(RogerLister)说,本月53%的股价跌幅可能促使花旗集团的一些交易伙伴开始对其敬而远之。

    Still , this month's53 % stock-price drop could prompt some of Citigroup 's trading partners to start'pulling away , 'says Roger Lister , chief credit offer of credit-rating firm DBRS .

  24. 可喜的是,欧洲央行(ECB)已不再任由信用评级机构左右自己的担保政策,因此各银行更有可能囤积和回购希腊债券,而非向买家稀少的市场推销这些债券。

    The European Central Bank has thankfully departed from letting its collateral policy be determined by credit raters , so banks are more likely to hoard and repo their Greek bonds than to flog them to a market where buyers are a threatened species .

  25. 信用评级机构仍在从次级抵押贷款支持的债务抵押债券(CDO)收取数以百万美元计的年度服务费。这些债券尽管在出售时被评为AAA级,但早已失去大部分价值。

    Credit ratings agencies are being paid millions of dollars in annual fees on collateralised debt obligations backed by subprime mortgages that have lost most of their value in spite of being rated triple A when they were sold .

  26. 例如,信用评级机构穆迪(Moody’s)昨日表示,今年头九个月离岸人民币债券发行总量增至创纪录的4510亿元人民币,高于2013年全年的3760亿元人民币。

    Issuance of offshore renminbi bonds , for instance , rose to a record Rmb451bn in the first nine months of the year , from Rmb376bn in all of 2013 , Moody 's , the credit rating agency , said yesterday .

  27. 投资分析师安德鲁•梅特卡夫(AndrewMetcalf)表示:“缺水终于开始造成财务影响。”他在去年为信用评级机构穆迪(Moody’s)撰写的一份报告中表示,这个问题已经对采矿业产生了“负面信用影响”。

    Andrew Metcalf , an investment analyst , said : " Water scarcity is finally starting to bite financially . " It already has " credit-negative implications " for the mining industry , he said in a report last year for Moody 's , the credit rating agency .

  28. 并且在缺乏信用评级机构的情况下运用内部评级。

    And in lack of credit rating agencies using internal rating .

  29. 信用评级机构已经发出可能调低美国债务信用登记的警告。

    Credit ratings agencies have warned of a possible downgrading of U.

  30. 信用评级机构的不规范也是企业债券市场发展的绊腿石。

    Nonstandard credit-evaluating organizations are obstacles of developing corporate bond market .