
  1. 该信用证汇票金额应为所提交发票面值的97%。

    Drawings against this credit are authorized only up to97 % of this face amount of the invoice submitted .

  2. 本文首先对信用证与汇票的法律关系展开讨论,介绍了信用证下使用汇票的历史渊源和实践意义。

    The initial part of this paper introduces the historical and practical significations of draft used under letter of credit .

  3. 依本信用证签发的汇票限某地名称银行议付。

    Negotiation under this Credit is restricted to Advising Bank .

  4. 为达到实践的统一,建议对信用证下的汇票问题出台专门的司法解释,以避免在这一问题上司法实践的矛盾做法。

    Special judicial interpretation are necessary on this issue in order to settle down the contradictory practice .

  5. 凭本信用证开具的汇票须于2004年6月25日前(包括25日这一天在内)在中国杭州提交议付。

    Drafts drawn under this credit must be presented for negotiation in Hangzhou , China on or before25rh . June , 2004 .

  6. 本信用证项下汇票出票人不受通常附于汇票出票人的追索权的约束。

    Drawers of drafts under this Credit are not subject to the usual recourse attached go the drawer of a Bill of Exchange .

  7. 根据原信用证开具地汇票和单据,完全符合原信用证条款并及时提交,原银行保证向贵方履行付款责任。

    We hereby engage with you that drafts and all documents drawn under and in strict conformity with the terms of this credit will be honoured on due presentation .

  8. 你可以像用信用证支付一样开出汇票向我收款。

    You can draw on me just as If there be a letter of credit .

  9. 应按照保兑的不可撤销信用证的100%即期汇票支付。

    Payment is to be effected by100 % confirmed irrevocable letters of credit payable by drafts at sight .

  10. 开立信用证时不应以信用证申请人作为汇票付款人。

    Credit should not be issued available by Draft ( s ) on the Applicant .

  11. 第二部分概要介绍了信用证项下融资的主要类型:对出口商融资的打包放款、出口押汇、信用证项下的汇票贴现、福费廷等;

    Part B. introduce the types of the financial under letter of credit : pacing loan , export negotiation , draft discount under export letter of credit ;

  12. 通过分析比较信用证下票据基础关系、票据行为及票据权利的特殊性,阐述以一般票据规则约束信用证下汇票所带来的法律后果及在实践中产生的种种问题。

    Then through the analysis and comparison of various aspects of draft , this paper presents the adverse legal effect common negotiable instruments rules have on bill of exchange used according to letter of credit arrangement .