
  • 网络trust tax system
  1. 重复征税是我国信托税制中存在的最突出的问题。

    Repeated taxation is the most serious problem existing in the trust tax system in China .

  2. 信托税制在信托制度中占据重要的地位,我国在这一方面还没有明确的法律规制。

    The trust tax system has an important status in the trust system but our country does not have the explicit legal rules and regulations in this aspect .

  3. 第四章是对信托税制的研究。

    Chapter four is an analysis of the Trust taxation system .

  4. 信托税制法律问题比较研究

    Comparative Study on Legal Problems of Trust Imposition

  5. 国外信托税制在避免重复征税等方面,为我国建立信托税制提供了一定的参照和借鉴。

    There are many aspects to be learned from the tax system of trust in foreign countries , such as avoidance of repeated taxation .

  6. 此外对信托税制改革也进行了深入的讨论。第一章是资金信托概述及集合资金信托发展障碍的分析,主要包括以下内容:资金信托的分类;

    Chapter one of this thesis is mainly a basic analysis of Fund Trust and Collective Fund Trust , which includes : the classification of Fund Trust ;

  7. 研究现代信托所得税制,应完善与信托有关税收征收管理体制,制定科学合理的相关税种、税率、征收方法等;

    On research the modern trust income tax , first , the system of tax should be improved , the kinds of tax , rates of tax , and model of tax should be formalized ;

  8. 信托收益所得税制,须针对信托收益的不同归属而分别设计。

    The taxation system of trust income should be designed respectively according to different assignment mode of trust income .

  9. 笔者通过对信托课税原则的分析,提出集合资金信托产品税制设想:主要包括流转税、印花税、所得税。

    Through an analysis of Trust taxation principles , the author proposes a taxation design of collective fund trust , including flowing tax , stamp tax , income tax .

  10. 信托配套制度的完善的重要内容就表现为信托税制的构建。

    The key point of the perfection of relevant trust systems is the construction of trust imposition .