- 名information entropy

Another PE File Shell-Adding Detecting Method based on Information Entropy
Based on the information entropy , the measurement of MIX network anonymity
Optimal Design of Topological Structure for FPGA Connection Box Based on Information Entropy
Comprehensive evaluation on MIS based on information entropy and unascertained measure model
RBF multi-neural network based on generalized information entropy ;
Electronic Control Air-Supplying Systems of LPG Engines And Application of The Information Entropy Theory
Application of Information Entropy Principle to Uncertainty Calculation of the Arithmetic Mean Deviation of Surface Roughness
In chapter 2 , the dynamics of the information entropy squeezing of the atomic dipoles in Raman transition model is investigated .
Based on the n gram , the Chinese information entropy and knowledge acquisition at word or phrase level have also been studied .
The paper derives Boltzmann distribution law in terms of the principleof maximum information entropy .
Application of Shannon entropy and fuzzy cluster in analysis of flow patterns in spout-fluid bed
Then , network information entropy is evaluated using the uniform random sampling , AMS algorithm and the proposed hybrid algorithm respectively .
Mutation and Shannon Information Entropy
Research on the Entropy of Database Products in the CALIS
An adaptive classifier , which uses knowledge base and information entropy for feature extraction , and multi-branch BP neural networks ( MBBPNNs ) for pattern recognition , is proposed in this paper .
For example , the maximal margin of SVM is chosen as a heuristic strategy to substitute minimum entropy in decision tree learning algorithm , which can attain better generalization .
TOPSIS model of e-valuation for project bid on information entropy is set up , the calculation method is simple , the result is rational .
Then on the basis of information intelligence quotient , we develop a new target recognition method , which matches the detective data and RCS sample curve though feasible probability .
Minimum entropy is chosen as a heuristic strategy in decision tree ( DT ) learning algorithm such as ID3 .
Based on the theory of rough set , a new Nave Bayes method named Conditional Information Entropy-based Algorithm for Self-learning Nave Bayes ( CIEBASLNB ) was proposed , which combined the merits of selective Nave Bayes ( SNB ) and Weighted Nave Bayes ( WNB ) .
Based on the entropy fundamentals , Theil index and the method of the best solution model of optimal membership degree vector were introduced .
And we make use of these cases such as Information Entropy , Hierarchical Cluster Analysis , SP Form Analysis and so on to define how to make research in educational information processing by using this system .
The fractal-dimension theory and the Shannon entropy theory of nonlinear science are briefly introduced , and the methods to apply them to analyzing the information of atrial fibrillation ( AF ) are developed for computing the grid-dimension values and the Shannon entropy values of P-wave and f-wave .
Application of Maximum Entropy Principle Method in Wave Height Distribution Generalized Maximum Entropy Method for Estimating Parameters of Structural Equation Model
The information entropy and the maximum entropy principle are recounted briefly here some applications of this principle in X - ray analysis ( such as determination of the crystal structure , determination of the non - crystalline structure , texture analysis , etc. ) are introduced .
From system energy and single generator energy aspect , using information entropy function and PEBS analyzes transient stability of power system at COI and synchronism frame .
TOPSIS model is applied to the evaluation of project bid in the paper , the information entropy method is adopted in the calculation of parameter weight in order to avoid the subjectivism of fixing weight .
Using rough-fuzzy entropy to measure the uncertainty of RF set in the theory of rough set is much more intuitional . Therefore it is worthy of investigation of how the Shannon information theory is used to define the measurement of the entropy of rough-fuzzy set .
Analysis shows that the energy proportion of the QRS complexes and information entropy of the P-wave energy proportion calculated by wavelet analysis are sensitive to the healthy and the arrhythmia patients , they can be used as a quantitative reference index for diagnose arrhythmia patients in clinic .
With the main clustering algorithm , SOM NN , GA , level clustering , information entropy as the typical examples , and based on the universal model , the algorithms ' characters are analyzed , also the corresponding executing main-points are presented .