
  • 网络information graphics;infographic
  1. 北京公交站台信息图形的传播效能研究导波光的传播的物理图象就是光按Z字形方式通过薄膜传输。

    The Diffusion Effect of Information Graphics at Beijing Public Transport Stations Our physical picture of guided light propagation is that of light traveling in zigzag fashion through the film .

  2. 在信息图形中,要阐明原因与结果。

    Within information graphics , clarify cause and effect .

  3. SVG在热带气旋信息图形化中的应用

    Application of SVG to Graphic Service for Tropical Cyclone Information

  4. 采用EC-386微型电子计算机,以AUTOCAD图形软件包,建立农业土壤污染数据信息图形化处理系统。

    This paper details a method of creating data base management system with graphic programming by Auto CAD software package in agricultural soil pollution on EC-386 microcomputer .

  5. 深化信息图形设计在数码产品设计中的现实意义

    Deepen Practical Significance of Information Graphic Design in Digital Product Design

  6. 也对今后的信息图形化设计提供了参考和借鉴。

    It also offers reference to the future information graphic design .

  7. 论现代公共信息图形符号的标准化

    On the Standardization of Graphic Symbols in Modern Public Information

  8. 农业土壤污染数据信息图形化处理系统

    Information process system with graphic module in agricultural soil pollution

  9. GB/T17695-1999地图用公共信息图形符号通用符号

    Public information graphical symbols for use in the map & Common symbols

  10. 高压电网一次信息图形化管理系统的设计与实现

    Design of graphical primary information management system for high voltage grid and its implementation

  11. 第二章详细的介绍了信息图形化的定义、功能、发展趋势。

    Chapter 2 introduces the definition of information graphic , function , development trend in detail .

  12. 结论非极化电极导管记录低频、低振幅心电信息图形稳定,且干扰小。

    Conclusion Electrocardiogram in low freuency and amplitude electrocardial information recorded by nonpolarizable electrod is stable and less interference .

  13. 因此除传统的静态信息图形设计外,还出现了动态信息图形和互动信息图形两种新的形式。

    So in addition to the traditional static infographics design , two new forms about dynamic infographics and interactive infographics came up .

  14. 文章一共分为6个大章,第一章探讨了信息图形化研究的现状、目标、背景以及创新点。

    This paper has six major chapters . Chapter 1 discusses the status of graphical information , objectives , background , and innovation .

  15. 并用一个案例调查,分析了人们生活中的信息图形电梯开关按钮产生的问题,给人们造成的信息焦虑现象。

    A case followed analyzed the problem generated by information graphic " elevator switch bottom " and the phenomenon of information anxiety to people .

  16. 本文通过对情感体验的三个层次,针对具体案例分析了信息图形化的情感体验模式,本能层、行为层和反思层。

    This paper analyzes the emotional experience mode , instinct layer , behavior layer and reflection lay based on the three layers of emotional experience .

  17. 由于专业所限,本文将偏重设计表现原则,通过结合现有的认知、行为等原则将信息图形化的表达方式进行分析总结,最后提出了一些有效的设计原则和方法。

    Then it analyzes and summarizes the expressions of information visualization based on the current cognition . Finally , a series of effective design principles and methods are proposed .

  18. 本文主要通过对信息图形设计发展历程的介绍,情感与认知的感悟,信息与情感之间的联系等几个方面进行讲述。

    In this paper , it talks about the development of the infographics design , the insight about emotion and cognition , the relationship between the information and the emotion .

  19. 借鉴他的理论来分析信息图形设计,可以总结出信息图形设计的三个目标是:形式的美感、信息的展示、情感的诉求。

    Learning from his theory to analyze the infographics design , we can conclude three objectives of the infographics design : forms of beauty , information display , emotional demands .

  20. (?)建立系统与通用锅炉热力计算软件的数据交换方式,对工程信息图形化标注系统的通用性做出初步研究。

    Building the data exchange method between the system and General Boiler Thermal Calculation Software , and then , making the introducing study of the generalization of Engineering Information Graphic Marking System .

  21. 曲轴坐标系量化图形理论,突破了传统平面直轴坐标系统的限制,拓展了量化图形的制图空间,提高了平面坐标系统下地学量化信息图形可视化的适应性,以及对信息的描述与展现能力。

    The theory of curvilinear coordinate quantitative graphics breaks through restrict of traditional planar coordinate system , expand the cartography space of quantitative graphics , also the ability of information description and exhibition .

  22. 本文对公共信息图形符号标准化领域内存在争议的一些理论问题进行了探讨,包括图形符号与图形标志的区分、图形标志的分类、图形符号的否定以及图形符号的设计。

    The paper discusses some disputed theory problems in standardization field of public information graphical symbols . The questions involve the distinguish between graphical symbols and graphical signs , the classification of graphical signs , the negation of graphical symbols and the design of graphical symbols .

  23. 基于XML的煤矿空间信息系统图形数据重组与存储

    Graphic Data Forming Redefinition of CGIS Based on XML and Storing

  24. 基于P2P流信息的图形化分析系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Visualization and Analysis System Based on P2P Flow Information

  25. Web页面上的机票通常具有很多信息和图形,而打印出来的机票只需包含一个条形码和基本的登机信息。

    The ticket on the Web page usually has lots of information and graphics , whereas the one that gets printed just contains a bar code and basic boarding information .

  26. 将空间信息用图形、文本、影像,声音,视频等方法在计算机上表现是GIS中专题地理信息的表达区别于传统纸质地图的根本区别。

    It is fundamental difference between GIS and traditional paper maps to express the spatial information , text , images , sound , video , and others on computer .

  27. 随着广州市大规模城市地下空间开发利用的展开,相应的地下工程属性信息、图形数据快速增加,迫切需要利用GIS技术对既具有空间分布信息、又具有大量属性信息的地下空间设施进行信息化管理。

    As the development of large-scale urban underground space utilization in Guangzhou , the attribute and graphic data of underground space projects are increasing quickly . It is necessary to manage the data using GIS technology .

  28. 此外,本文通过扩展UML2.0活动图定义了安全活动图元模型,将安全信息以图形化的方式加入到活动图中以得到安全活动图,供开发者查看和分析,指导软件的后续开发。

    In addition , this paper defines security activity diagram meta-modes through an extension of the activity diagram models .

  29. 介绍北京一地名信息系统图形数据和属性数据的构建方法,进而介绍一种在数据采集的过程中利用SQL语言检查和控制数据的有效方法。

    This paper discusses the construction method of attribute data and graph data in Beijing Toponym GIS and then introduces the approach of inspecting and controlling data by using SQL in the procedure of data collection .

  30. 类似地,基本的健康状况和可用性监视功能也可从DataStudioAdministrationConsole获得,但是需要使用DB2PerformanceExpert获得丰富的统计信息和图形界面来帮助您下钻数据并查找性能问题的根源。

    Similarly , basic health and availability monitoring is available in the Data Studio Administration Console , but you need DB2 Performance Expert to get the rich statistics and graphical interfaces that help you drill down and find the cause of a performance issue .