
xìn xī yuán
  • Messenger;survey taker
  1. 加强教学信息员队伍建设促进教学质量提高

    Strengthening troop construction of teaching information member to improve teaching quality

  2. 高校教学信息员制度的意义与实践问题的思考

    Practical thinking on the significance of Teaching-Feedback-Reporter system in the University

  3. 关于加强高校学生信息员队伍建设的思考

    A Reflection on the Construction of Student Reporter Groups in Higher College

  4. 中国高等工程教育研究会信息员、联络员名单

    List of Liaison and Information Persons of China Society for Higher Engineering Education

  5. 浅析高校学生信息员在信息互动中的作用

    Brief analysis of the function of university students as information members in information interacting

  6. 学生教学信息员制度是高校教学质量监控体系的重要组成部分。

    Student information member system is an important part of quality monitoring system in the college teaching .

  7. 作者从学生信息员队伍的组建、管理、实施过程中需注意的问题等三方面作了归纳性的阐述,进一步突出学生信息员队伍建设的重要性和必要性。

    The author analyses the construction , administration and implement of student reporters groups in order to show their essentiality and necessity .

  8. 最少的情况下,要包括主财政员、主信息员,和新的过程组领导。

    At a minimum it includes the chief financial officer , chief operations officer , chief information officer , and the new process group leader .

  9. 本文从学生信息员的重要作用、制度建设和管理等几方面作了探索性研究,说明学生教学信息员工作的有效性和必要性。

    This article explores the important effects , the formation and its management of the teaching feedback reporthers from the students , with its validity and necessity .

  10. 加强大学生教学信息员队伍建设,有利于改进高校的教学和教学管理工作、推动教学改革、提高教学质量。

    Strengthening troop construction of teaching information member of college students is helpful to improve the teaching and teaching management of college 、 promote teaching reform and improve teaching quality .

  11. 通过几年的摸索,目前每个信息员均能较熟练地承担社区健康教育、妇幼信息收集以及协助医院拓宽社区服务领域。

    Through years of hard work , every messenger is now skilled at community health education , MCH information collection and helping the hospital to broaden the field of community service .

  12. 在过去的两年半里,我在技术领域里成为了一名专家。但如今,我准备成为一名专业的通用信息员。

    For the past two and a half years , I have been a professional in the technology field , but now I am preparing to become a professional corporate information officer .

  13. 学生信息员队伍是高校教学质量管理监控和评价体系的重要组成部分,它在推动高校教育教学质量不断提高,促进教学管理者提高管理效率等方面都发挥着重要作用。

    Student reporters are important parts in the system of teaching management supervision and teaching evaluation and they play important roles on the aspect of improving teaching , boosting efficiency and so on .

  14. 在旅游者集中的公共场所设立触摸屏式电子导游设施,奥运期间,设流动信息员为旅游者提供旅游信息和向导服务。

    Touch-screen e-guide facilities shall be made available at public locations frequented by tourists , and mobile information tellers shall be made available during the Olympic Games to provide tourist information and guide services .

  15. 在《思想道德修养》课教学中,通过在教学班开展“设置学生心理健康信息员,创建心理健康班集体”的活动,收到了较理想的教育教学效果。

    In the teaching of Political and Moral Cultivation , in order to improve the teaching effects , we have , by means of arranging a student-psychological adviser and creating psychological health class activities , achieved relatively ideal teaching and education effects .

  16. 启动议式后,村民便急切的涌向书屋查阅图书,在信息员的帮助下上网查询自已希望得到的信息。对所有工作簿都启用自动查询刷新并且不再显示该警告信息

    After opens the proposal type , villagers then anxious welling up to the reading room consult books , accesses the net under the information help the inquiry from to hope obtains information . Enable automatic query refresh for all workbooks and do not show this warning again

  17. 积极推进农业信息化,建设社会主义新农村需要发挥政府部门的主导作用;加强农业信息化基础设施建设;建立优秀的农村信息员队伍;培育农业的信息产业;加强信息体系建设。

    Active implementation of agricultural information , building a new socialist countryside required to play the leading role of government departments ; to strengthen the agricultural infrastructure of information ; set up rural information excellent team ; information nurture agriculture industry ; to strengthen the information system .

  18. e时代在线编目信息馆员全面素质提高途径探微

    Probe on the Ways to Overall Improvement of Librarian Quality on Online Cataloging Information in the Electronic Age

  19. 试论高校图书馆信息馆员制度的变迁

    Discussion on the Transition of University Library 's Information Librarian System

  20. 图书馆员&知识经济时代的信息导航员

    Librarian & the Information Navigator of the Knowledge Economy Era

  21. 探析高校图书馆信息咨询员的竞争情报教育

    Analysis on the Competition Intelligence Education for University Library 's Information Consultants

  22. 谈高校图书馆网络信息咨询员队伍建设

    Talking about the Ranks Construction of Network and Information Consultants in the University

  23. 慢慢地小心翼翼地收集小东西的人(如信息采集员)。

    Someone who gather something in small pieces ( e.g. information ) slowly and carefully .

  24. 数字图书馆馆员应成为信息加工员、信息导航员和信息工程师。

    The librarian of digital library should become information processors , information guider and information engineer .

  25. 嗨谢谢.斯科特.亚历山大,乔伊.茨比阿里,乔伊是个噢…,信息处理员.

    CHANDLER : Hey thanks . Scott Alexander , Joey Tribbianni . Joey is a uh , fellow processor .

  26. 其中有一个工种被称为“病例与医疗信息技术员”,听起来恰好符合你女儿的想法。

    One of them , a category called medical records and health information technicians , sounds like what your daughter has in mind .

  27. 指出网络信息咨询员的基本要求,提出网络咨询员队伍建设和人才培养的几个途径。

    It puts forward the basic requirements for these consultants , and puts forward ways of constructing network information consultants and training of talents .

  28. 本文指出网络环境对参考咨询工作的多方面影响导致网络信息咨询员的出现。

    This paper discusses various influences of network environment on reference and consultant work in universities , which have brought about the appearance of network information consultants .

  29. 结论图书馆员做好信息导航员,提高了护理人员专业素质,也提高了图书馆馆藏利用率。

    Conclusions The librarians should be good directors of information by which can help nurses to improve their nursing quality and promote the library 's utilization ratio .

  30. 高校图书馆信息馆员随时代的发展经历了由传统的信息馆员向参考馆员、学科馆员的变迁。

    The information librarian of university library has been transformed from the traditional information librarian into the reference librarian and subject librarian along with the era development .