
xìn xī nèi rónɡ
  • information content
  1. 网络安全和信息内容安全问题一直伴随着Internet的发展。

    Network security and information content security are puzzling development of Internet .

  2. DNA序列信息内容的普适关系

    Discussion on the Universality of Information Content in DNA Sequences

  3. 该研究还发现,当实验对象思考并随后回忆信息内容方面的描述时,与事实记忆相关的区域,如内测颞叶变得活跃起来。

    The study also found that when subjects thought about and later recalled descriptions in terms of their informational content , regions associated with factual memory , such as the medial temporal lobe , became active .

  4. 互联网WEB信息内容过滤系统

    Internet WEB Information Content Filtering System

  5. 地图符号是可视化表达地理信息内容的基础,是GIS应用中的一个重要组成部分。

    Map symbol is the basic of displaying geographic informations and an important part of GIS application .

  6. 有价值的信息内容可以在网上进行电子商务的等价交换.但是对于Internet内容版权保护的问题是一个还没有很好解决的问题。

    Meanwhile , valuable digital content can do electronic commerce in the Internet , however , the problem of Internet content copyright protection has still been unanswered .

  7. 强化A,其实B的信息内容;2.加强A,其实B对信息的表达语气;3.突破受众心理预测防线。

    To strengthen the content of information ; to strengthen the expression of information tone ; and to breakthrough the prediction of psychological defense of audience .

  8. 在描述了一个开放环境中的多Agent系统模型的基础上,提出了一种建模信息内容语义清晰化的框架。

    After a multi-agent system model is described in one open environment , a framework of modeling the explicit semantics of information content is put forward .

  9. 控制台显示了由搜索关键字CRM找出的每条tweet的用户名和信息内容。

    The console displays the user name and message content for each tweet located by a search for the keyword CRM .

  10. 从语句上说,SVG确实是XML,但在SVG属性中,SVG绘图信息内容的重要部分包含在逗号和空格分隔的数据中。

    Syntactically , SVG is indeed XML , but a significant portion of the information content of an SVG drawing is contained within comma-and space-delimited data inside SVG attributes .

  11. WSCI能抛出一些异常,它们来自于WSDL、信息内容或事件(例如,超时事件)的错误信息。

    WSCI can raise an exception based on a fault message from WSDL , a message content , or an event ( for example , Timeout event ) .

  12. 在GPS/GIS技术支持下的导航与监控系统中,根据从卫星接收到的GPS定位信息内容,GPS接收器传送到计算机中进行信息提取和处理的方法有多种。

    In the navigation and monitoring system supported by the GPS / GIS , there are various methods to pick up and deal with the information which transmitted from the GPS receiver to the computer , according to the content of GPS orientation information received from the satellite .

  13. 确定了节点系统关系和相关的信息内容之后,您可以自动生成OV-2和OV-3所必需的内容。

    Having identified node-system relationships and associated information content , you can automatically generate content necessary for the OV-2 and the OV-3 .

  14. 此外基于对象内容的视频压缩编码也颇受青睐,广泛应用于MPEG-4等国际标准中。同时,按照信息内容进行分类、检索和过滤也是未来实施信息与网络安全策略的重要趋势及关键技术。

    In addition , video compressing based on content is the main idea of advanced international standard such as MPEG-4 / 7 . At the same time , information indexing and filtering on content is the most essential technology and trend of network security in future .

  15. 面向信息内容安全的文本过滤和分类系统研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Text Filter and Categorization System for Content Security

  16. 企业应诉时必须提供完整而详细的会计信息内容。

    In the process of pleading , enterprises must render detailed accounting information .

  17. 发布&使最终用户可以搜索、浏览和查看信息内容。

    Publish & Let end users search , navigate , and view information content .

  18. 面向多媒体信息内容保护的特征水印技术

    A Feature Watermarking Technique for Multimedia Content Protection

  19. 本文设计并实现了一个面向信息内容安全应用的文本过滤与自动分类系统。

    A text filter and categorization system is designed and implemented for content security application .

  20. 未来的方向:信息内容的标准化

    Future Guideline : Information Content Standardization

  21. 中国电视广告的信息内容研究

    A Research on Chinese TV Information

  22. 通信的形式和种类也越来越多,声音和图像具有直观性强、承载的信息内容丰富的特点正在被更多的引入到通信领域。

    Sound and image have a strong intuitive , bearing the characteristics of the information content-rich .

  23. 充分体现我国医疗信息内容的特色;

    Giving full expression to the unique features of the contents of medical information in China ;

  24. 然而,移交过多的信息内容将为黑莓公司和其他手机公司带来问题。

    Handing content over could , however , cause problems for RIM and the phone companies .

  25. 图书可能具有重量、价格和制作材料以及信息内容等属性。

    A book may have weight , price , and construction materials as well as information content .

  26. 在微博中信息内容的传播是通过用户与用户之间的关注与被关注的网络,一层层地传播开来。

    In micro-blog the spread of information is based on the " follow " network between users .

  27. 网络传播的信息内容正反交错、良莠并存,对高校思想政治教育工作带来积极影响的同时也带来负面作用。

    Internet information may produce both positive and negative effects on ideological and political education in colleges and universities .

  28. 信息内容检索技术引入了定量分析手段,检索的过程也是定量分析的过程。

    Information Content Retrieval technology introduces quantitative analysis method , and the retrieval process is also a process of quantitative analysis .

  29. 互联网信息内容服务在经历了初期的艰难之后,正步入良性发展的阶段。

    After going through the difficulty in initial stage , Internet content service is stepping into the stage of benign development .

  30. 减少一点信息内容使信息和交互比例趋向60/40。

    Push the boundaries of your informational site so it looks more like a60 / 40 split between information and interaction .