
  1. 现代战争系统是一个复杂系统,拥有复杂系统的所有特性,即物质、能量与信息的全面开放性,作用机制非线性和不确定性。

    Modern warfare system is a complex system , it has all the features that complex system has : the overall opening of matter , energy and information , nonlinearity of mechanism and all kinds of uncertainty .

  2. 并且将该模型应用到GW物业服务企业成本管理中,重新设计物业成本核算体系,通过作业成本差异分析,确定成本降低的重点环节,证明了新体系对于物业成本信息正确性和全面性的保证。

    Moreover , the model was applied to the cost management of GW realty service enterprise . A new property cost accounting calculates system was established . In addition , carrying on the different analysis and evaluation of activity costing , the key links of cost reduction was determined .

  3. 决策的质量取决于基础信息的质量和全面性。

    The quality of the decisions depends on the quality and the comprehensiveness of the underlying information .

  4. 采用混合推理机制的推理机,用优先级和可信度区分指导信息的重要性,实现了指导信息的合理全面性,该系统能有效地指导学生完成设计性虚拟实验。

    Hybrid reasoning mechanism of the inference engine , and the distinction between priority and the credibility of the guidance of the importance of information , guidance information to achieve a comprehensive and reasonable , the system can effectively advise their students to complete the design of virtual experiments .

  5. 信息时代的背景呼吁的不仅仅是获取信息的全面性,更要求获取信息的准确度&即有用信息与收集信息总量的比值。

    Background information age access to information not only called for a comprehensive and more accurate access to information requirements-the total amount of useful information and the ratio of collecting information .

  6. 接着分析表外信息披露的原因,认为通用报表披露的表内信息的局限性和市场经济对会计信息的全面性需求是表外信息披露的两大动因。最后明确了表外信息的编写要求。

    Because of the limitations of table information and the demand of accounting in market economy , it is important of the revelation of accounting information . First , the thesis probes into the concept of off-statement and discusses the reasons of off-statement information disclosure .