
  • 网络trustfulness;Trust Propensity;disposition to trust;propensity to trust
  1. 此外,个人信任倾向对顾客信任的整体调节作用不显著,但分别显著调节网站设计和顾客信任、消费体验和顾客信任的作用关系。

    In addition , the moderating effect of individual trust propensity on the customer trust is not significant . But the trust propensity , the web design regulates the effect obviously .

  2. 因变量消费者信任则由信任信念与信任意愿两个成分构成,同时把信任倾向作为协变量加以考察。

    The dependent variable of consumers ' trust is comprised by trust beliefs and trust intention . At the same time the trust propensity is explored as a covariate .

  3. 而在不同的个人信任倾向以及背景变量下,C2C消费者初始信任的建立也不尽相同。

    While the different tendencies in personal trust and background variables , the C2C consumers ' initial trust vary .

  4. 在消费者个人因素中,感知风险和信任倾向对消费者信任均有显著正向影响。

    In the consumer personal factors , perceived risk and trust tend , have a significant positive effect to the trust of consumers .

  5. 和另外一个研究的结果相同,在没有看到留言的调查对象中,愤怒组的参与者表现出远低于高兴组的信任倾向。

    Consistent with the other study , angry participants provided significantly lower trust ratings than happy participants among those who did not receive the warning message .

  6. 文章探讨了顾客信任倾向、销售人员的特性和双方关系特点对销售人员信任的不同影响,在此基础上为销售人员如何赢得顾客的信任提供了有益的启示。

    Based on the review of literature , this paper discusses the factors that influence customer trust in property salespersons and puts forward the direction for future studies .

  7. 信任倾向最有利于产生激励效用,其次才是知识共享的意愿、态度等感知因素。

    Trust tendency has an favorable effect on incentive , and followed by the will of the knowledge sharing , attitude , and other perception factors . 5 .

  8. 结果表明兼容性、畅体验、沟通、新信息冲击和信任倾向都会对移动商务信任的消解产生显著影响。

    Results show that the compatibility , flow experience , communication , impacts of new information and disposition to trust will significantly affect the dissolution of mobile commerce trust resources .

  9. 信任倾向对共享行为和共享绩效的直接影响都不显著,但都存在通过共享激励或共享感知的间接作用。

    The direct impact of trust tendency on knowledge sharing behavior and sharing performance is not significant , but there is an indirect effect through the knowledge sharing incentives or shared perception .

  10. 其中主管因素包括品德、能力、动机、行为;员工因素包括信任倾向和个人关系;组织环境因素包括制度规范和信息沟通。

    Supervisor factors include : morality , capacity , motivation , behavior ; Employee factors include : the intention of trust and personal relations ; Organizational environment factors include : the norms and information communication .

  11. 职业经理人信任倾向的三个维度对组织承诺的影响程度不同,由高到低依次为制度信任、心理契约信任及社会信任,制度信任影响最大。

    Three dimensions have different influence on organizational commitments . The order from high to low is this : institutional trust , psychological contact , social trust . The institutional trust has the most influence .

  12. 并通过对职业经理人的信仟倾向与组织承诺关系的实证分析,建立了信任倾向与组织承诺回归模型,以此作为信任博弈的研究前提。

    It empirically analyzes the relationship between professional managers ' trust tendency and organizational commitments . It studies to the professional managers and builds up the regression model of the tendency of trust and organizational commitments .

  13. 中国家族企业处在一个家文化传统最为悠久和深厚的国家,其基于感情逻辑的私人信任倾向十分明显,在基于利益逻辑的社会信任短缺的情况下,缔结了家族企业的优势。

    Under long-term and profound " family culture " in China , there is an obvious tendency of private trust based on emotion in the family enterprise management . It creates advantage of the enterprise in the emerging stage .

  14. 小心翼翼而又充满不信任;倾向于躲避人或者事。

    Wary and distrustful ; disposed to avoid persons or things .

  15. 选择性注意对用户信任及行为倾向的影响:基于网上购物体验视角的实证研究

    The Influence of Selective Attention on Trust and Behavioral Intentions : An Empirical Study on E-shopping

  16. 第二部分将对国内外关于职业承诺、组织信任和离职倾向的相关文献进行回顾和总结,并综述已有变量间的关系分析,明确本文的研究问题和命题方向。

    The second part reviews existing researches of the occupational commitment , organizational trust and turnover intention , as well as the relation among them .

  17. 网络购物环境下信任对消费者购买倾向的影响研究

    The Study on the Influence of Trust on Consumer Purchase Intention

  18. 员工对高管的信任与员工离职倾向的关系&组织承诺的中介效应研究

    Employees ' Trust for Top Mamagement and Turnover Intention & Based on the Analysis of Mediator Role of Organizational Commitment

  19. 大陆法系国家鉴于鉴定人的法庭助手的诉讼地位及其与司法机关长期的合作与信任关系,法庭对技术性证据具有过于信任的倾向,缺少科学独立的调查程序。

    In view of expert civil law countries " court assistant " position and its proceedings and judicial cooperation and trust between the long-term , technical evidence the court has a tendency to over-confidence , lack of scientific independence of the investigation .

  20. 实证研究结果表明,对初始信任影响最显著的因素依次为:个人信息安全、社区、个人信任倾向、网站声誉、感知易用性和网站相关链接。

    The results of this empirical research indicate that the most important factors of positively affecting initial trust : personal information security , community , individual trust propensity , website reputation , perceived ease of use and website connection .

  21. 实证结果显示,移动商务消费者初始信任的影响因素中,移动商务网站的感知有用性影响作用最大,其次依次是结构性保障,消费者个人信任倾向以及移动商家声誉。

    The result of the empirical study shows that perceived usefulness of mobile commerce site , structural insurance , consumer trust propensity and mobile business reputation all have significant impact on mobile commerce initial trust .