
  • 网络Insurance Density
  1. 中国保险密度的分析和预测

    An Analysis and Forecast of Insurance Density in China

  2. 近年来,地震、海啸、飓风等特大自然灾害频发,我国是一个基础设施差、应急储备不足、保险密度覆盖低的国家,巨灾的发生势必给国家和民众造成巨大的损失。

    In recent years , earthquakes , tsunamis and other largely natural disasters occurred frequently . Catastrophe events cause unpredicted losses to the state and the public , especially in our country which lacks of contingency reserves , has poor infrastructure and low insurance density .

  3. 从保险深度和密度看四川保险发展状况

    Analysis the situation of Si Chuan insurance with insurance depth and insurance density

  4. 我国农业保险深度和密度都远远不够,原有的体制正在瓦解,迫切需要建立新的农险体系。

    In China , the density and penetration of agricultural insurance is still very low and the present structure of agriculture is being destructed , a new system needs urgently to be established .

  5. 二十多年来,我国保费收入不断增长,年均保费收入增长率在25%以上,保险深度和保险密度都有大幅度提高;

    During the recent years , the insurance premium increased as 25 % in annual . The insurance depths and insurance destiny takes on gigantic growth .

  6. 本文认为,与东部地区相比,西部地区非寿险业发展滞后主要表现为:保险深度、保险密度较低,市场主体溃乏,险种单调,市场竞争不充分,市场化进程缓慢。

    The essay points out the weak aspects in the non-life insurance as below : poor level and low density of the insurance , lack of the market topic , singleness in insurance types , insufficient market competency and low progress of the marketization .

  7. 西部的保险市场供给状况及保险密度、保险深度、保费收入等,与东部相比有较大的差距。

    There lie a lot of differences of insurance market supply and insurance density , depth and premium between east and west areas .

  8. 评价一国保险规模的指标有保费收入、保险密度和保险深度。

    Insurance density , insurance penetration and premium income are three indexes to describe the insurance scale of a country .

  9. 随着我国保险业的不断发展,保险深度和密度的不断加大,保险在国民经济中的地位日益重要。

    With the development of Chinese insurance industry , the increase of density and profundity of insurance , insurance industry has got an important status in the national economy .

  10. 同世界保险业相比,我国保险深度和保险密度与发达国家仍存在较大差距。

    Compared with the developed countries , the depth and density of insurance the of our country still have greater disparity .

  11. 我国保险业区域发展失衡的实证研究:基于保险密度的视角

    Empirical Study on Regional Gap of Insurance in China Based on Insurance Density Perspective

  12. 尽管近年来西部地区保险业取得了很大的进步,但不论其保险深度、保险密度,还是其他方面距全国平均水平还有很大的差距。

    Though the insurance industry in West China has made great progress in recent years , its development is still far behind the national average in many aspects .

  13. 第三,少数民族地区保险深度普遍低于全国平均水平,更比不上东部经济形势较好的省区,虽然保险密度较高,但也是受人口过少因素的影响。

    Third , insurance depth in the minority areas is below the national average and at the same time insurance depth much lower than the eastern areas although minority areas enjoy a higher insurance density due to rare population .

  14. 中国保险业自1980年复业,从零开始经过28年的发展,保险业的规模总量、保险密度、保险深度都实现了高速增长。

    The gross scale of insurance industry and insurance density , insurance depth have grown by high speed and got great development from the zero start , since the recover of insurance industry in 1980 .