- 网络Guaranteed creditor's rights;Guaranteed Obligations;guarantee bonds;guarantee greditor

Secured creditors ' right in Bankruptcy proceedings
The answer is : only if the creditor countries facilitate adjustment in the global balance of payments .
Right 's pledge is one way to make social property existing with right and negotiable securities in guaranteed system of law .
The practice of holding property right in pledge is a legal practice of using property right for the protection of obligatory right .
Description of the main creditor banks of the rights , fundamental rights , and mortgages are secured creditors and guarantee the right of the right .
The difference of it from the normal additional term is that it has a beginning and an end , which makes it a closed period .
Credit and risk rank evaluation for consumer paying electric power charges is an important means to guarantee the creditor 's rights security and validity for power enterprises .
The purpose of stock pledge lies in guaranteeing the rights of creditors .
To sure the bank s credit of realization easily , the bank should reform management and improve the ability of safeguard .
Their purposes of lawmaking are to guarantee that the debt will be paid which owes the creditor , so they have the close contacts .
The legal system of deposit is one of contract 's guarantee systems ; its main function is to grantee the realization of the primary contract .
The pledge of endorsement is necessary to set up a bill pledge , its purpose is to fulfill the creation of security for a particular debt to ensure that the creditors to achieve debt .
Only when both the condition and the term are satisfied , the creditor had the actual right to request the guarantor to implement the guaranty obligation and accept the guarantor 's performance .
After the guaranty contract comes into force , it puts a beginning to the limitation of action of the guaranty contract , which should applies the normal limitation of action and have no direct connection with the guaranty term .
During the guaranty term , if there is fortuitous accident or accidental force that make it impossible for the creditor to claim his guarantied interests , the guaranty term should be suspended .
Establishing the goal of guarantee on " if the debtor fails to pay a debt ' , the guarantor shall ' perform the debt ' or ensure ' the realization of creditors ' rights ' " can create a series of problems .
Such two terms have the same function , which is to urge the creditor to claim the rights to the guarantor . However the stages of such two terms play role are different , they are not in conflict .