
  • 网络saver;Protect Program
  1. 显示飞行windows徽标的屏幕保护程序。

    A screen saver that displays flying windows logos .

  2. 本文通过具体程序,介绍了用C语言编写屏幕保护程序的基本思路和方法。

    Illustrated with specific program , this article introduces the basic train of thought and method of programming screen saver in C language .

  3. 控件在VISUALBASIC中的应用&编写屏幕保护程序

    Application in Visual Basic of Controlling Part & Write the Screen Protection Program

  4. Windows屏幕保护程序在微机实验室中的应用

    Application of the Windows Screen Savers in Micro Computer Laboratory

  5. 按照世贸组织(WTO)的保护程序,此举在技术上可能是合法的。

    This was probably technically legal under the World Trade Organisation 's safeguard procedures .

  6. 公交候车亭,广告牌,Facebook页面、屏幕保护程序中。

    bus shelters , billboards , Facebook pages , screen savers ,

  7. 利用VB设计屏幕保护程序

    How to Design The Screen Saver Program in Visual Basic

  8. 基于这一库文件,可以非常容易地实现各实验室所需的Windows屏幕保护程序的一切功能。

    Base on it , all the functions of the Windows screen savers that every laboratory needs can be easily implemented .

  9. 进入破产保护程序仍然是通用汽车(generalmotors)的选择之一,如果这家汽车制造商无法与工会及债券持有人就重组事宜达成一致的话。

    Entering bankruptcy protection remains a possibility for General Motors if the carmaker fails to reach agreements with unions and bondholders on restructuring .

  10. 本文论述了屏幕保护程序的特点,讨论了如何用VISUALBASIC设计屏幕保护程序,通过典型的设计示例说明了屏幕保护程序的设计。

    This paper discusses the characteristics of screen savers and how to protect program by using Visual Basic device , in which the typical example shows the truth .

  11. DOS下屏幕保护程序的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of Screen Preservation in DOS State

  12. 介绍了用VB定时器控件和Screen对象编写屏幕保护程序的方法。

    This paper presents the method to develop screen protection program by use of VB timer controller and screen object .

  13. OpenGL在屏幕保护程序中的应用

    OpenGL and its application for screen save

  14. 详细介绍了用VISUALBASIC制作屏幕保护程序的过程,简要介绍了这一程序的改进方法和调试技巧。

    A detailed introduction about how to make screen protection program through Visual Basic is given and the method to improve such program as well as test technique is suggested .

  15. 从屏幕保护程序要实现的功能出发,介绍了利用Delphi的某些组件制作屏幕保护程序的方法和过程。

    The paper introduces the method and program making Screen Saver used by some components of Delphi .

  16. 用MFC快速开发屏幕保护程序

    Development of a screen protection program with MFC

  17. 使用VB6.0打造个性屏幕保护程序

    Using VB6.0 to Create Personalized Screen Savers

  18. 当伦敦黑色出租车的制造商英国锰铜控股(manganesebronzeholdings)本周表示将进入破产保护程序时,许多英国人表达了震惊和难过。

    When manganese bronze holdings , the company that makes London black taxis , said it was entering administration this week , many Britons expressed shock and remorse .

  19. 当我登台进行我的演示时,我看了看我的笔记本,立即发现了一条消息,该消息来自我们的IBM安全实用工具,告知我禁用我的屏幕保护程序违反了一个策略。

    When I took the stage to do my demo , I looked at my laptop and promptly saw a message from our IBM security utility about a policy violation for disabling my screensaver .

  20. 应用VB6编写屏幕保护程序

    Using VB6 compile screen savers

  21. 它原本是一家旗下兼有制造商和经销商的财团,后来却被锰铜控股(ManganeseBronze)收入旗下,接着锰铜控股进入破产保护程序,去年被中国的吉利(Geely)收购。

    Once a consortium of manufacturers and dealers , it became a division of engineer Manganese Bronze , which went into administration and was taken over last year by China 's Geely .

  22. VC6.0下的屏幕保护程序设计

    Screen Saver Programming in the VC 6.0

  23. 比如说GNOME抽象层,它能禁用掉妨碍应用的屏幕保护程序,该抽象层构建在桌面环境所提供的特性之上。

    An example is the abstraction layer for GNOME , which can stop the screen saver interfering with an application , built on a feature offered by the desktop environment .

  24. 介绍了利用VISUALBASIC的控件制作屏幕保护程序的方法及屏幕保护程序在Widows下的应用,读者可以使用自己制作的屏幕保护程序使自己的Windows桌面更漂亮、更个性化。

    This article introduces methods and means of creating the screen protection program and the application under Windows of it by utilizing Visual Basic . Readers can use the screen protection program created by themselves to make their tabletops of Windows more beautiful and even more individualized .

  25. 韩德胜辞职的5个月前,通用汽车才脱离美国政府监督下的破产保护程序,而在他辞职前8个月,美国政府的汽车工作小组解雇了其前任里克瓦格纳(RickWagoner)。

    Mr Henderson 's resignation comes just five months after GM emerged from US government-supervised Chapter 11 proceedings and eight months after Washington 's autos taskforce sacked his predecessor Rick Wagoner .

  26. 使用当前桌面显示设置,这个屏幕保护程序需要您的direct3d硬件加速器上没有的功能。

    This screen saver requires functionality that is not available on your Direct3D hardware accelerator with the current desktop display settings .

  27. 21世纪头几年,AMR的竞争对手纷纷利用破产保护程序来摆脱年金计划和降低结构性成本,但AMR没有这样做,这使它处于极为不利的境地。

    American chose to do without bankruptcy protection in the early 2000s while its rivals used the process to shed their pension plans and reduce structural costs , leaving it at a substantial disadvantage .

  28. 介绍了通过VB来制作WINDOWS下屏幕保护程序的方法;并结合VB的键盘事件、鼠标事件、定时器事件及WindowsAPI等相关知识,介绍了用VB编写屏幕保护程序的关键问题。

    This paper has recommended the method of making the screen protection program under WINDOWS with VB . Combining with the relevant knowledge , such as keyboard incident , mouse incident , timer incident and WINDOWS API of VB , it provides the intact screen protection program instance .

  29. HDP&公共微机室硬盘写保护程序

    HDP-the Program of Writing Protection with Hard Disk in Public Computer

  30. 屏幕保护程序可以在这个监视器上使用硬件三维绘制方式。

    The screensaver can use hardware 3D rendering on this monitor .