
  • 网络protective rights
  1. 受刑人诉权对于其实体权利的救济性呼吁立法者建立以受刑人特有权利为中心,以受刑人诉权为外围保护性权利的权利保障体系。

    The procedural rights of culprits , for remedial to their substantive rights , calls on establishing culprits ' rights security system in which the center is the special rights of culprits whose procedural rights are protective rights around .

  2. 从长远的观点看,宪法应当确定性权利保护与性权利平等原则。

    The principles of Sexual Rights Protection and Sexual Rights Equity should be confirmed in the Constitution in the future .

  3. 第二章是确认和保护纳税人程序性权利的理论基础及现实意义。

    Chapter two is about the theory foundations and practical significance of affirming and protecting the procedural right of taxpayers .

  4. 笔者主要考察了我国宪法对公民财产权的保护,集团性权利救济的意义以及集团性权利救济的障碍。

    The author mainly review the constitutional protection on the citizens ' property , the significance and obstacles of remedies of group right .

  5. 法律确认权利存在两种基本形式,即对权利进行保护性规定和对权利进行限制性规定。

    It is ascertained by law that right takes on two-fold forms : right protective regulation and right restrictive regulation .

  6. 行政相对人的程序性权利不仅有保护相对人实体性权利实现的外在工具主义价值,同时有尊重相对人人格尊严、保障相对人平等地位、维护程序正义等独立价值。

    Procedural rights of private parties not only have the outside instrumentalism value of protecting substantial rights of private parties to be reality , but also have independent values of respecting the dignity of private parties and protecting the equal status of private parties and defending procedural justice .