
  1. 俄罗斯情报机构要花很长时间才能消除西方的疑虑。

    Russian intelligence will take a long time to quieten the paranoia of the West .

  2. 但周五公布的约2万封窃自民主党全国委员会(DemocraticNationalCommittee)服务器的电子邮件,促使人们更迫切地开始讨论俄罗斯情报机构对2016年竞选的干扰活动,其中有不少邮件令民主党领袖十分难堪。

    But the release on Friday of some 20000 stolen emails from the Democratic National Committee 's computer servers , many of them embarrassing to Democratic leaders , has intensified discussion of the role of Russian intelligence agencies in disrupting the 2016 campaign .

  3. 美国当局指控10人为俄罗斯情报机构SVR从事长期的,极其秘密的间谍活动,并将它们逮捕。梅特索斯是美国指出的第11名嫌疑人。

    Metsos was the 11th suspect named after U.S. authorities announced the arrests of 10 people accused of carrying out long-term , deep-cover assignments in the United States for the Russian foreign intelligence service , the SVR .

  4. 新的制裁名单包括8家国防企业(包括枪支制造商卡拉什尼科夫(Kalashnikov))、俄罗斯情报机构的一名高官、一名议会成员以及负责克里米亚事务的一名部长。

    The new sanctions list contains eight defence companies , including gunmaker Kalashnikov , a senior official at the Russian intelligence service , a member of parliament and the minister responsible for Crimea .

  5. 然而,长期以来一直有理论认为,俄罗斯情报机构掌握着特朗普的污点材料(Kompromat)。

    However , there have also long been theories that Russian intelligence had some damaging Kompromat ( compromising material ) on Mr Trump .

  6. 调查人员发现,俄罗斯情报机构不遗余力地掩盖其踪迹,包括仔细删除运行日志,修改盗窃文件的访问时间。

    Russian intelligence agencies went to great lengths to cover their tracks , investigators found , including meticulously deleting logs , and changing the time stamps of the stolen files .

  7. 这些人被指控试图为俄罗斯外交情报机构SVR搜集美国核武器,外交政策和政治方面的信息。

    The group was accused of trying to information on American nuclear weapons , foreign policy and politics for the SVR -- Russia 's foreign intelligence service .

  8. 普京曾是克格勃(KGB)在东德的一名特工。普京说,俄罗斯的情报机构从未与斯诺登合作过,目前也是如此。

    Mr. Putin , who worked a KGB agent in East Germany , said that Russia 's intelligence services ' never worked with Mr. Snowden and don 't work with him today . '

  9. 该团体据信与俄罗斯军事情报机构总参谋部情报总局(GRU)有关,后者被怀疑卷入了近期发生的民主党全国代表大会邮件和文件失窃案。

    That group is believed to be associated with GRU , Russia 's military intelligence agency suspected of involvement in the recent theft of emails and documents from the Democratic National Committee .

  10. 波兰司法部长马雷克·别尔纳茨基(MarekBiernacki)表示,被捕的两人都是俄罗斯总参谋部情报总局(MainIntelligenceDirectorate)的间谍,该机构是俄罗斯最大的对外情报机构。

    Marek Biernacki , Poland 's minister of justice , said both men were spies for the Main Intelligence Directorate , Russia 's largest foreign intelligence agency .

  11. 那周,美国全国公共广播电台(NPR)采访俄罗斯的一位安全官员,他认为,斯诺登可能——很可能——肯定是在与俄罗斯情报机构合作。

    That week , NPR ran an interview with a Russian security official who posited that Snowden is maybe , probably , most definitely cooperating with Russian intelligence .