
  • 网络ohio wesleyan university;OWU;Ohio Wesleyan College
  1. “总体而言,今年爱尔兰国内增长仍为高负值,”俄亥俄卫斯理大学(OhioWesleyanUniversity)教授西恩•柯称。

    " Taken together , Ireland remains in deeply negative domestic growth for the year , " says Sean Kay , professor at Ohio Wesleyan University and author of Celtic revival ?

  2. 俄亥俄卫斯理大学的肖恩·凯说,虽然北约决定跟俄罗斯恢复关系,但北约国家在这个问题上仍然存在分歧。

    Sean Kay of Ohio Wesleyan University says that despite the alliance 's decision to resume relations with Russia , NATO countries are still divided over the issue .

  3. 希尔在研讨会的“接吻科学”会议上作了发言,同时发言的还有罗格斯大学的海伦费舍尔和俄亥俄州卫斯理大学的唐纳德拉特纳。

    Hill spoke at the session on the Science of Kissing , along with Helen Fisher of Rutgers University and Donald Lateiner of Ohio Wesleyan University .

  4. 1977年8月15日,天文学家杰瑞·艾曼在俄亥俄州卫斯理公会派大学的一个搜寻地外文明项目中,如往常一样查看由“大耳朵”电波望远镜留下的报表,但这时他根据所看到的内容在稿纸之外写下“Wow!”。

    On August 15 , 1977 , astronomer Jerry Ehman , working on a SETI project at Ohio Wesleyan University 's Perkins Observatory , glanced as usual at the prints generated by the radio telescope known as the " Big Ear , " but what he saw this time made him write " Wow ! " on the printout .