
qīn fàn cái chǎn zuì
  • crime against property;crimes of encroachment upon property: a major category of statutory charges in the PRC
  1. 侵犯财产罪中的主观恶性的分析

    The Analysis on the Subjective Evil in the Crime against Property

  2. 侵犯财产罪法益问题研究

    Research on Legal Interest of Crime Against Property

  3. 侵占罪属于侵犯财产罪的范畴。

    Crime of occupation belongs to crime of infringing upon others'property .

  4. 侵犯财产罪客体新探

    Probe into the Object of the Infringing Crime Against Property

  5. 侵犯财产罪犯罪对象的演变及发展&以网络虚拟财产为视角

    Evolvement and Development about Target of Crime against Property & On the View of Network Virtual Property

  6. 浅析我国现代化进程中侵犯财产罪的社会原因

    An Analysis of the Social Cause of Property Violation Crimes in the Course of the Modernization of Our Country

  7. 诈骗罪是侵犯财产罪的一个具体罪名,在社会生活中发生率较高。

    Fraud is a crime against property of a specific offense , in the high incidence of social life .

  8. 我国现行刑法也将抢劫罪置于侵犯财产罪之首。

    The current Criminal Law of China also regards this crime as the first one in crime of trespassing property rights .

  9. 本文主要研究狭义财产犯罪的对象,即刑法第五章所规定的侵犯财产罪的犯罪对象。

    This article narrow main object of property crime , that criminal law against property under Chapter V of a crime .

  10. 侵犯财产罪是一种古老的犯罪,随着私有制和阶级社会的产生而产生。

    Property crime is a kind of old crime , as the generation of private ownership and the class society and produce .

  11. 盗窃罪和侵占罪是侵犯财产罪中两种不同的犯罪形式,司法实践中有时很难作出清楚、确切的界定。

    Theft and Embezzlement crime are different forms of property offence crime , judicial practice sometimes is difficult to make clear and precise definition .

  12. 抢夺罪是我国刑法第五章侵犯财产罪中的一项罪名,是介于盗窃罪与抢劫罪之间的一种犯罪形态。

    The crime of plunder is the Criminal Law Chapter crimes against property in a count of theft and robbery is between between a crime .

  13. 职务侵占罪是一种古老的财产犯罪,在整个侵犯财产罪体系中占有重要地位。

    Crime of position encroachment is a sort of old and important crime of property violation in the whole system of crime of property violation .

  14. 关于侵犯财产罪的客体,德国有法律的财产说、经济的财产说和法律的、经济的财产说的争论;

    Concerning the contention of the object of the infringing crime against property , in Germany , universally is regarded as legal property , Economic property and Legal-economic property ;

  15. 侵犯财产罪是刑事司法实践中犯罪数量最多的一类犯罪,而盗窃犯罪又是侵犯财产罪中最常见、最多发的一种犯罪。

    Crime against property is the largest number of crimes in a criminal judicial practice , and yet larceny is the most common and highest incidence crime of it .

  16. 第五章从类罪客体上来说是侵犯财产罪,即侵犯的是财产法益,而抢劫罪首先要侵犯此类客体(法益)。

    Chapter from the object of the class of crime against property , violations of property legal interests , robbery first to violations of these objects ( legal interests ) .

  17. 抢劫罪既是严重的暴力犯罪,又是侵犯财产罪的首恶罪行,历来为我国刑法重点打击。

    Robbery not only is the serious petty crime , also is encroaches upon the property crime the chief culprit crime , always for our country criminal law key attack .

  18. 诈骗罪是古老而又常见的侵犯财产罪中的一个具体罪名,又是欺诈类犯罪的一个具体罪名,在我国刑法分则中占有重要地位。

    Fraud is an old and common crime and is one kind of crime of encroachment upon property . Fraud occupies an important position in the theories of criminal law .

  19. 因犯有贪污贿赂、渎职、侵犯财产罪或者破坏社会主义市场经济秩序罪,被判处刑罚的;

    Those being given criminal penalties for the crime of bribery and embezzlement , malfeasance , or encroachment of property , or the crime of undermining the socialist market economic order ;

  20. 盗窃罪作为一种典型的侵犯财产罪,历来为刑事立法与司法实务所关注和重视,同时也成为刑法分则理论中长盛不衰的研究重点。

    Being as the most typical crimes against property , larceny has always been paying much attention to ; meanwhile , it has always been as the most important researching aspect in specific provisions of criminal law as well .

  21. 诈骗犯罪中的欺诈手段和其他侵犯财产罪中实施的欺诈手段的根本区别是:诈骗犯罪中的欺诈手段使被害人产生错误认识,其基于意志自由自愿交付财产。

    The basic difference between deception in crime of swindling and other crimes against property is & deception in crime of swindling make the victims have error cognition , and they deliver property willingly based on their error cognition .

  22. 盗窃罪、诈骗罪和侵占罪是侵犯财产罪中最常见的犯罪形式,犯罪率一直居高不下,其犯罪对象、犯罪手段在市场经济的影响下呈现出新的花样。

    Theft , fraud and embezzlement are the most common forms of property crime , With high crime rate , The criminal objects and criminal acts of these crimes under the influence of the market economy present a new pattern .

  23. 第五章侵犯财产罪所规定的犯罪对象是公私财物,但究竟何为公私财物,具体应如何界定,如是否包括财产性利益,理论界尚无统一的定论。

    Chapter V under the target of a crime against property is " private property ", but what exactly is " private property ", specifically how to define , such as whether to include the property interests , there is no uniform conclusion theorists .

  24. 研究侵犯网络虚拟财产的行为,对于我国侵犯财产罪犯罪对象的深入研究具有重要意义。

    Study of behavior of violation of network Virtual Property , for depth study of the object of crime for crimes against property , has great significance .