
  • 网络side edge;skirt;lateral edge;flank
  1. 机翼表面油流谱显示出了主再附线、二次分离线、二次再附线和侧缘涡区。

    The oil flow visualization shows clearly primary reattachment , secondary separation , secondary reattachment lines and side edge vortices on the lee surface .

  2. 结果:前臂桡侧缘远端的动脉穿支来自:桡动脉的皮支6~11支,外径(0.7±0.3)mm;

    RESULTS : The perforator artery in distal radial margin of forearms derived from : 6-11 cutaneous branches of radial artery with external diameter of ( 0.7 ± 0.3 ) mm ;

  3. 腕管入口位于腕横纹近端2~3cm,掌长肌腱尺侧缘。

    The entry portal was inserted at 2 3 cm proximal to the transverse carpal crease , ulnar to the the palmaris longus .

  4. 结果:左肾静脉与下腔静脉之间的夹角为47°~86°,SV于左肾静脉内开口与下腔静脉侧缘的最小距离为25~62mm。

    Results : The results showed the angle of 47 °~ 86 ° between the left renal vein and inferior vena cava , and the minimum distance of 25 ~ 62mm between the ostiole of the SV and the lateral to inferior vena cava .

  5. 二是肩肱关节阻滞,即肱骨头与锁骨肩峰端交接处内下方3cm处刺针,注入同液2mL及肩胛骨内外侧缘触痛点局部阻滞;

    The second was the joint block of shoulder and forearm , that 2 mL solution was injected into the site 3 mm inferior to the crossing between head of humerus and Acromial end of clavicle by puncture , and medial and lateral scapula trigger point regional block was performed .

  6. 大鱼际桡侧缘逆行岛状皮瓣的临床应用

    Clinical application of radial border reverse island flap of greater thenar

  7. 襟翼侧缘噪声的理论模拟与分析

    Theoretical study on flap side - edge noise

  8. 舌侧缘黏膜瓣修复重建唇红部缺损

    Reconstruction of lip defects with lingual membrane flaps : a report of 11 cases

  9. 非定常前侧缘分离流的研究襟翼侧缘噪声的理论模拟与分析

    ANALYSIS OF UNSTEADY LEADING / SIDE-EDGE SEPARATED FLOW Theoretical study on flap side-edge noise

  10. 舌侧缘瓣修复红唇部缺损

    Reconstruction of lip defects with lingual membrane flaps

  11. 生殖孔开口于侧缘的前半部。肝特别大,占据腹腔的上半部。

    The liver is found fairly large and occupies the upper half of the abdominal cavity .

  12. 主要观察指标:重点观察:①前臂尺侧缘远端的动脉穿支来源。

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : ① Sources of distally arterial perforating branch of ulnar margin of forearm ;

  13. 可调活塞侧缘的膨胀器

    Adjustable piston skirt expander

  14. 结论:①第5~9肋间后动脉在靠近椎体侧缘附近就已发出了侧副支;

    Conclusions : ① The posterior intercostal arties give off the collateral branch near the rim of vertebra .

  15. 除舌前部和舌中部显示双侧淋巴引流外,舌侧缘部注射区也发生对侧淋巴引流。

    As anterior and middle parts of tongue , bilateral lymphatic drainage also occurred at lateral part of tongue .

  16. 不同科的种类齿片上缘或侧缘的数目和形态有较大差异。

    There are many obvious differences in number and shape of lateral teeth and marginal teeth of different families .

  17. 有侧滑时,尖侧缘的非圆截面机身头部在中等和大迎角下,可具有方向稳定性。

    The fore-body with sharp section angle can produce direction stability at middle-higher angle of attack in the case of side-slip .

  18. 方法:采用0.5%DMBA丙酮液涂布右舌侧缘局部机械刺激。

    Methods : Local application of 0.5 % DMBA acetone solution and chronic mechanical irritation on right side of hamster tongue .

  19. 推覆体侧缘发育了与边界断层平行的侧断坡、斜断坡次级断层相关褶皱背斜;

    On the lateral border of the nappe , lateral and oblique fault-slope secondary fault-related folded anticlines parallel to boundary faults were developed .

  20. 目的探讨应用大鱼际桡侧缘逆行岛状皮瓣修复拇指指腹、末节桡侧缘及指端皮肤软组织缺损的方法。

    Objective To probe the method of repairing soft tissue defect of finger belly , distal phalanx radial border and fingertip of thumb .

  21. 结论采用舌侧缘瓣修复法,尤其是双侧舌瓣修复法,能即时修复红唇部大范围缺损,无需分两次转瓣修复。

    Conclusion Using lingual membrane flap to close the large defect of lip requires only one operation , especially in the defect repair with bilateral lingual membrane flaps .

  22. 早第三纪晚期走滑挤压盆地是在印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞的高峰期,位于前者侧缘的滇西南地区受斜向挤压和右行走滑而形成的。

    In late Paleogene , the collision between the Indian and the Eurasian plates led to oblique compression and dextral strike-slipping in SW Yunnan , inducing the transpressional basin .

  23. 据沉积相研究结果,巳标定的3个地震储层由水下分流主河道、水下分流河道侧缘、河口坝和远砂坝等微相组成。

    According to sedimentary facies , three marked seismic reservoirs consist of subaqueous distributary main channel , lateral border of subaqueous distributary channel , river mouth bar and distant bar microfacies .

  24. 沙二下亚段储集砂体主要为洪水水道砂、砂质浅滩受波浪改造的滩砂,其次为水道侧缘溢岸砂。

    The sandstones reservoirs of lower the sub-member of Sha-2 comprised mainly of flood channel sands , beach sands from sandy shoal reworked by waving , and channel edge overbank sands .

  25. 结论大鱼际桡侧缘逆行岛状皮瓣手术操作简单、安全可靠,术后治疗、护理较为容易,外形与功能恢复满意,是手外科修复拇指缺损创面较为理想的方法。

    Conclusion It is an ideal method for repairing defect wound of thumb that using radial border reverse island flap of greater thenar , because of its easy operation , safety and reliability .

  26. 目的:研究前臂尺侧缘远端的动脉穿支,为前臂尺侧缘贵要静脉营养血管远端蒂复合瓣的设计提出解剖学理论。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate distally arterial perforating branch of ulnar margin of forearm and provide anatomical bases for designing distal pedicled flap of nutrient vessel in basilic vein of ulnar margin of forearm .

  27. 一对伸缩装置,分别对应于摇臂的下方,并且连结在车厢厢体和车厢侧门的下部侧缘。

    The telescoping devices respectively correspond to the lower sides of the rocking arms , and are connected with the side edges of the lower parts of the compartment body and a compartment side door .

  28. 用游标卡尺测量韧带的长度、宽度和厚度及腕关节盘的桡侧缘、掌侧缘及背侧缘的长度和厚度。

    The length , width and thickness of the ligamentous structures of the TFCC were measured with vernier caliper , and each marginal length and thickness of articular disc of the wrist were investigated too .

  29. 在眼轮匝肌的侧缘、颞支和颧支的垂直距离平均为1.54cm。

    At the lateral border of the orbicularis oculi muscle , where the temporal and zygomatic nerve insert into the muscle , the mean vertical distance between the temporal and zygomatic nerve s was 1.54 cm .

  30. 此15例病人靶点均选在冠状窦口附近,其中窦口上缘12例,偏侧缘2例,近下缘1例。

    The target point of all the cases were selected around the ostium sinus coronary , including 12 case at the upper rim , 2 cases at the side rim , 1 cases at the lower rim .