
  • 网络dependency;dependent;attachment;adherence
  1. 创建一个从虚拟镜像中的虚拟化以太网连接到物理服务器中L2连接的依附性链接。

    Create a dependency link from the virtual Ethernet connection unit in the virtual image to the L2 connection in the physical server .

  2. 而最大的挑战源自边缘化与依附性并存。

    The biggest challenge is the simultaneous existence of marginalization and dependency .

  3. 金矿床分布与深大断裂存在依附性。

    The distribution of the gold deposits clings to deep big faults .

  4. 它的内涵包括:自主性与依附性的统一;

    The connotation of subjectivity includes : the unity of independence and dependence ;

  5. 城市在选址特征上体现出对微观自然地理环境的高度依附性。

    The location characters being attached to the micro natural geographical environment obviously .

  6. 静默语的交际功能及其文化依附性

    The Communicative Functions of Silence and its Cultural Attachment

  7. 从被动依附性发展到开放促进内源性发展;

    From passiveattachment development to opening promotion endogene development ;

  8. 论中国教育现代化中的依附性问题

    On Adhering Problems of Educational Modernization of China

  9. 然而由于本身的依附性,使其在发展过程中存在着很多矛盾和问题,并非真正独立。

    However , because of its dependency , there exist many contradictions and problems .

  10. 裂隙随机分布时岩体力学性质对应力状态的依附性

    Dependence of mechanical properties on stress states of rock mass with randomly distributed cracks

  11. 区域品牌是一种主体性独立资源,而不是依附性、修饰性的东西。区域品牌的形成是以产业集群为基础;

    Regional brand is a kind of independent resource instead of something dependent and ornamental .

  12. 论艺术设计的依附性

    On the Attachment of Art Design

  13. 该系统互联软件对两个子系统的依附性弱,具有较强的独立性。

    Software of interconnection system adhere weakly to the two subsystems , and it is quite independent .

  14. 还给出依附性资产的概念及收益分离法估价公式。

    In the paper , the concept of dependent assets and the separate valuation method are given .

  15. 这种被动性和依附性使得戏曲批评常常处于一种缺位的失语或者被动的无力状态。

    This passive and dependent makes dramatic criticism is often a lack of aphasia or passive impotence .

  16. 区分劳动关系和雇佣关系的根本分界线是人身依附性标准。

    The basic standard of demarcation between employment relationship and labour relationship is the standard of personal attachment .

  17. 商品进出口结构与贸易伙伴的空间分布,显示对发达国家的依附性。

    Export and import structure and areal distribution of trade partners proves the dependency to world developed countries .

  18. 可以把人格的嬗变依次分为依附性人格、主体性人格和自由人格三种范型。

    The shaping of modern personality here means to form the subjective personality conforming to the market economy .

  19. 作为一项重要法律制度,惩罚性赔偿制度具有惩罚性、依附性、法定性的特征。

    As an important legal system , punitive damages have a punitive nature , dependent , statutory sexual characteristics .

  20. 无形资产有6大特性,即依附性、持续性、排他性、非流动性、增值性、社会性。分析了增加企业、事业单位和个人无形资产的有效途径和手段。

    The article analyzes the effective ways and means to increase intangible assets of enterprises , institutions and individuals .

  21. 它具有自己显著的特性:所有权具有依附性、不可分割性和农民工使用劳动力的伸缩性。

    Labor force property right has its significant features : dependent , indivisible and flexible used by migrant workers .

  22. 然而,值得注意的是,相对其它形式的电子词典汉英电子词典又呈现了一定的依附性。

    However , in contrasting to fast development , certain adherence to other forms of electronic dictionaries has been shown .

  23. 古代东方农村公社内部关系的显著特点是村社成员对村社共同体的依附性。

    The notable feature of inner relation in ancient east community is the community members ' attachment to the community .

  24. 刑罚权具有相对于统治权的依附性、品格的独立性、共振性等特性。

    The power of punishment is characterized of its attachment to the dominion and the independence , resonance of quality .

  25. 语境依附性,个人差异性,具体性和变异性是言语词义的基本属性。

    The dependence of language environment , personal difference , concreteness and variation are the basic attribute of the sense .

  26. 对当前体育教师教育依附性特征的正确认识,并充分发挥依附与自主之间的广泛张力是对其进行有效改革的理论前提。

    The proper attitude and reasonable arrangement of the dependence of current PE teachers ' education is indispensable to its reform .

  27. 艺术市场与金融具有特殊的依附性,两者的结合能达到双赢的效果。

    The art market and the finance have some particular dependence . The combination of the two can achieve win-win situation .

  28. 随机型启动模式的特点在于开启侦查的主动性和对侦查程序的依附性。

    The initiation of the investigation and reliance on the investigation procedure is the main characters of the random startup model .

  29. 但依附性的畜牧业经济对澳大利亚民族经济的形成、国家的独立起了关键的作用,而且,同样具有依附性的经济产业部门,澳大利亚与同时代的印度和拉美国家不同。

    The dependent animal husbandry played an key role in the formation of both Australia 's national economy and Australia 's independence .

  30. 连累犯,作为一种与本犯有着密切关系的犯罪,具有法律上的法定性、定罪量刑上的依附性、主观上的明知性、客观上的事后性四个特点。

    Involved offender , as a committed has close relationship with this crime , has the legal statutory , dependent Conviction sentence .