
yī fǎ
  • by law;according to law;according to the law;by operation of law;in conformity with legal provisions;according to the convention;secundun legem
依法 [yī fǎ]
  • (1) [according to the convention]∶按照已有的方法

  • 依法炮制

  • (2) [according to the law]∶按照法律

  • 依法处理

依法[yī fǎ]
  1. 那个杀人犯已经依法镇压了。

    The murderer was executed according to law .

  2. 那个杀妻犯被依法处决了。

    The man who murdered his wife was executed according to law .

  3. 这一罪行必须严格依法审理。

    This crime must be treated with the full rigour of the law .

  4. 这份财产依法归她所有。

    The property belongs to her by right .

  5. 蓄意杀人依法要判无期徒刑。

    In a case of premeditated murder a life sentence is mandatory

  6. 阿利奥特告诉辛格尔顿他是依法判决。

    Alliott told Singleton he was passing the sentence prescribed by law .

  7. 他们现在面临的情形是:不久将需要依法佩戴摩托车头盔。

    They now face the prospect of having to wear a cycling helmet by law

  8. 他坚称必须对监禁的领导人依法审判。

    As for the imprisoned leaders , he asserted that justice would have to take its course .

  9. 该地依法属政府所有。

    The land belongs legally to the Government .

  10. 这一罪行会严格依法审理。

    The crime will be treated with the full rigour of the law .

  11. 如果再次发现携带假冒伪劣产品,将被依法起诉!

    Futhermore , if any more counterfeits are found , he may be trailed .

  12. 法院是依法建立的。

    Courts are constituted by law .

  13. 坚决改变有法不依、执法不严的现象,毫不手软的依法惩治经济犯罪分子。

    The central government is determined to put an end to non-enforcement and lax enforcement of laws and will relentlessly condemn economic crimes in accordance with the law .

  14. 他说,他在美国期间坚定了他自由经营、依法办事和奖惩分明的信念。

    His time in america , he says , reinforced his strong belief in free enterprise his strong belief in free enterprise , in the rule of law and in the value of rewarding merit .

  15. 艾米提出抗议,说有人骗取了她依法应得的份额

    Amy protested she was being cheated of her rightful share .

  16. 土地使用权可以依法转让。

    Land use right may be transferred by law .

  17. 我们应该依法大力提倡反腐败题材的影视作品创作,影视才能出好的作品。

    We should greatly encourage production of high-quality films and television series on anti-corruption .

  18. 党的领导是推进全面依法治国的根本保证。

    Party leadership is the fundamental guarantee for ensuring that governance in China is law-based .

  19. 国家为公共利益的需要,可以依法对集体所有的土地实行征用。

    The State may requisition land owned by collectives according to law on public interests .

  20. 国家依法实行国有土地有偿使用制度。

    The State introduces the system of compensated for use by the State according to law .

  21. 拒不改正的,依法追究责任。

    Whoever refuses to make rectification shall be investigated for responsibility in accordance with the law .

  22. 推进全面依法治国,根本目的是依法保障人民权益。

    The fundamental goal of promoting law-based governance is to protect the people 's rights and interests .

  23. 清算组织可以依法进行必要的民事活动。

    The liquidation commission may also engage in necessary activities of a civil nature according to the law .

  24. 第九十五条公民、法人依法取得的专利权受法律保护。

    Article 95 The patent rights lawfully obtained by citizens and legal persons shall be protected by law .

  25. 构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

    if his act constitutes a crime , he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law .

  26. 根据剥夺法律保护条令,查尔斯-埃佛瑞蒙德,又名达尔内,依法当处以死刑,绝无宽贷

    Charles Evr é monde , called Darnay , in right of such proscription , absolutely Dead in Law .

  27. 企业应当依法落实产品质量责任,采取有力措施保护消费者安全权益。

    Enterprises should be legally accountable for product quality and take effective measures to protect the safety of consumers .

  28. 专利权是指依法批准的发明人或其权利受让人对其发明成果在一定年限内享有的独占权或专用权。

    Patent right is a kind of monopolized or special right approved by law for inventors or alienee in definite term .

  29. 第四十条审计机关审定审计报告,对审计事项作出评价,出具审计意见书;对违反国家规定的财政收支、财务收支行为,需要依法给予处理、处罚的,在法定职权范围内作出审计决定或者向有关主管机关提出处理、处罚意见。

    Article 40 Audit institutions shall , after examining the audit reports , give evaluations or punishment to the competent authorities .

  30. 对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法给予行政处分。

    the leading persons directly in charge and other persons directly responsible for it shall be given administrative sanctions according to law .