
  • 网络outage;power cut
  1. 尽管供电中断,医院继续照常运作。

    Despite the power outage , the hospital continued to function normally .

  2. 2003年纽约市大规模供电中断,造成了当地腹泻病症的大量增加。

    An increase in diarrheal illness in New York City followed a massive power outage in2003 .

  3. 尽管供电中断,医院继续照常运作。

    Despite the power cuts , the hospital continued to function normally .

  4. UPS供电中断故障分析及研究

    Analysis and Research on Fault of UPS Leading to Supply Interruption

  5. 10月29日,飓风桑迪袭击纽约城的当晚,遭遇ConsolidatedEdison供电中断的不仅仅是曼哈顿第39街以南很多地区,还包括ConEd的总部。

    On October 29th , the night hurricane sandy slammed into New York City , Consolidated Edison lost power not only to much of Manhattan below 39th street , but to its own headquarters as well .

  6. 作为一种新型电能质量控制装置,动态电压恢复器(DVR)可在几毫秒内动作,对消除电压波动和闪变,解决各相电压的不对称和短时供电中断等故障,具有无可比拟的优势。

    As a new power quality control device , DVR can move in a few milliseconds . DVR has an unparalleled advantage in the elimination of voltage fluctuation and flicker , and solving the phase voltage asymmetry and short-term power interruption .

  7. 供电中断时会增加事故风险。

    Increased risk of accident whever power supply is interrupted .

  8. 电压骤降和瞬时供电中断概率评估的蒙特卡罗仿真

    Probabilistic assessment of voltage sags and momentary interruption based on Monte-Carlo simulation

  9. 一次强雨凇造成的供电中断事故天气分析

    An Analysis of the Severe Glaze Weather Causing the Power Interruption Accident

  10. 在局部地区,偶尔供电中断的情况会继续发生。

    Occasional interruption to service in limited areas will continue .

  11. 加州消费者被告知供电中断是导致汽油价格上涨的原因。

    Consumers have been told that a supply interruption has caused the spike .

  12. 周日的一系列强地震(造成供电中断),目前,夏威夷大部分地区的供电已恢复。

    Power has been restored to most of Hawaii after a strong series of earthquake on sunday .

  13. 官方人员透露,飓风艾萨克登录造成超过10万用户供电中断。

    Officials say more than 100000 customers are still without electricity in the wave of hurricane Isaac .

  14. 外绝缘闪络将导致供电中断,影响供电的可靠性。

    Outside insulation flashover will not only lead to interregnum of power supply , but affect its reliability .

  15. 检测动态心电图记录器后发现3组患者所佩带的闪光卡记录器存在间断供电中断导致数据写入异常。

    The recorders were examined and in3 groups the power supplies of the flash recorder were intermittently interrupt .

  16. 电能质量现象主要包括:供电中断、电压凹陷和凸升、电压波动以及谐波等方面。

    Power quality disturbances mainly include : interruptions , voltage sags & swells , voltage fluctuations and harmonics , etc.

  17. 飓风伯爵正在向美国东海岸挺近,它已经造成东加勒比海地区供电中断与暴雨。

    Hurricane Earl is heading for the US east coast after causing power cuts and heavy rain across the eastern Caribbean .

  18. 在该模型中,电力公司在每个时段可根据实时情况确定合同价格和供电中断分配方法。

    In this model at each time interval the utility can determine contract price and dispatch method of power supply interruption .

  19. 但接地故障会产生过电压,危害系统安全,甚至导致线路跳闸,造成供电中断。

    But the single phase-to-earth fault can produce over-voltage , which will damage the system security and even lead to power interruption .

  20. 自动停堆会很快发生,因为很多事件都能触发这一行为,不过最有可能的诱因是外部供电中断。

    This would happen quickly ; many things can trigger it , but the most likely culprit would be a loss of external power .

  21. 飓风造成供电中断,数千棵被击倒的大树堵塞了道路,幸存者们迎来了第三个漆黑之夜。

    Survivors were facing their third night without electricity in the aftermath of the historic cyclone that also clogged roads with thousands of downed trees .

  22. 如果一个长途干线站或通信枢纽局动力系统发生故障引起供电中断,必将造成严重的经济损失和政治影响。

    The power supply of long-distance trunk line station or telecom hinge station 's system break off , which will cause serious economy loss and politics infection .

  23. 超级电容模块接在直流母线上,在系统发生短时供电中断或电压暂降时,由超级电容向负载提供有功支持。

    Super capacitor ( SC ) module connects to inverter DC bus to support DC voltage while power quality problems such as voltage sag or short-term outage take place in power source .

  24. 电力系统的输电及配电线路大部分裸露在空中,因而最易遭受雷击并造成供电中断、供用电设备损坏等事故。

    Most of power transmission lines are naked , therefore they are apt to be damaged by lightning , and it may cause power interruption and damage to electrical equipment and other accidents .

  25. 架空配电线路大都裸露在空中,极易遭受雷击产生雷电过电压,从而造成供电中断,影响了广大用户的生产和生活。

    The most part of the overhead distribution lines are exposed in the air , so they are apt to be damaged by lightning and cause lightning overvoltages , which will interrupt power supply and affect users ' production and lives .

  26. 这种小电流接地的方式可以避免配电网络发生小电流接地故障(又称单相接地故障)时保护装置跳闸造成供电中断,从而有效提高了配电网络供电的稳定性、持续性与抗干扰能力。

    This method avoids power interruption caused by protection device tripped while the small current grounding fault occurs ( also know as single phase to ground fault ) . And then could increasing the stability and continuity of the power supply .

  27. 根据变电站现场发生设备事故所造成的供电中断,可知适用于内桥接线的备自投装置按不同的保护动作闭锁备自投合闸设计对保障35~110kV变电站供电可靠性尤为重要。

    According to the equipment accident resulting in power supply interruption in 35-110 kV transformer substation , it 's important for the reliability of power supply , that the backup power automatic switch device for bridge connection blocking correspond with the different protective relays .

  28. 现在的设备要求供电不中断的高水平供电质量。

    Present equipment requires a high level of quality service without interruption .

  29. 电动机的供电突然中断了。

    The supply to the motor is suddenly cut off .

  30. 一些城镇的供电已经中断。

    Power supplies have been cut off in certain towns .