
  • 网络Supply Chain Responsibility
  1. 跨国公司在华供应链社会责任管理分析

    An Analysis on MNC 's CSR of Supply Chain Management in China

  2. 制销供应链安全责任的消费者驱动研究

    Consumer-Driving Decision of Safety Responsibility of Manufacturer-Retailer Supply Chain

  3. 讨论了通过对社会责任系统进行有效的整合、协调和管理,才能使整条供应链达到责任平衡。

    It is explored how to make the whole supply chain system reach the balance through favorable integration and management .

  4. 建立纺织服装企业社会责任资源库和管理绩效数据库,搭建纺织服装供应链社会责任信息共享平台和商务决策支持系统;

    Establish and manages databanks on CSR information and CSR performance of Chinese textile enterprises , and construct platforms for supply chain dialogue and business supporting systems ;

  5. 供应链企业社会责任提出仅仅15年,却被越来越多的媒体、大众所关注。

    Supply chain corporate social responsibility proposed just 15 years , but attracted an increasing concern of the media and public .

  6. 但是,实际上,无论是在学术界还是在企业运营实践中,关于供应链企业社会责任的理论和实践都很缺乏。

    But in fact , whether in academia or practice , corporate social responsibility theory and practice in the supply chain are scarce .

  7. 研究内容包括:消费者驱动的制销供应链联盟安全责任决策;制销供应链联盟安全责任的消费者压力研究。

    It includes : the decision-making of consumer-driven supply chain in safety responsibilities ; the consumer pressure in safety responsibility of manufacturer-retailer supply chain alliances .

  8. 贵公司作为我们的重要供应商应该已经了解我们非常重视我们供应链的企业社会责任。

    As our valued supplier , you are already aware that we consider corporate responsibility within our supply chain a thing of the highest importance .

  9. 如何有效建立和完善供应链中的社会责任体系以实现持续性达标,这个问题已经日趋成为终端零售商、品牌商、中间商以及供货商所共同面临的挑战。

    How to effectively establish and improve the supply chain social responsibility system , this problem has become increasingly become a common challenge for end retailers , brands , brokers and suppliers .

  10. 从企业社会责任的一个方面&产品安全性能对消费者偏好的影响入手,运用博弈论的基本思想,对消费者驱动的制销供应链联盟产品安全责任进行了研究。

    From one aspect of the corporate social responsibility & consumers ' preferences influenced by the product safety performance , the dissertation , based on game theory , does research on the product safety responsibility of manufacturer-retailer supply chain alliance driven by consumers .