
  1. 贵州黎平侗族服饰文化的日常审美特征

    The Routine Aesthetic Features in the Costumes of Liping County 's Dong People

  2. 浅谈广西侗族服饰遗产保护主体的分析&以三江侗族为例

    Guangxi Dong Costumes of the Main Analysis of Heritage , As an Example in the Sanjiang Dong

  3. 除实用功能和社会功能外,黎平侗族服饰的整体形态还符合美学原则。

    Besides the practical and social functions , the whole design of Dong costume has complied with the aesthetics rule .

  4. 对侗族的服饰文化,民族史研究工作者进行了不少研究,主要集中在资料整理和个别侗区的调查研究上。

    Research workers have conducted a lot of research on the Dong dress culture and the Dong minority history , mainly focusing on data compilation and individual Dong area survey .

  5. 此外,经济利益的驱动以及生活状态的改变,使得苗族、侗族女性服饰实物的流失现象非常严重,而纺纱、织布、染布、刺绣等一系列技艺面临着失传的危险。

    At the same time , female clothes of Miao and Dong people are running off seriously due to the inducing of economic benefit and the changing of life statues . Crafts of spinning , weaving , dyeing and embroidering are on the verge of being lost .

  6. 水族服饰文化与布依族、壮族、侗族以及汉族的服饰文化关系密切,水族服饰文化在与兄弟民族服饰文化相互交流的同时,也在不断地改革和丰富自己,并且紧跟着时代的步伐而嬗变。

    The culture of Shui 's dress is very close to those of Buyi , Zhuang , and Dong , and while exchanging with other minorities ' , it is continuously reforming and enriching itself , and following the times to evolve itself .