
  • 网络Jurassic period;the Jurassic era;Jurassic Realm
  1. 从2亿年前到1.45亿年前的侏罗纪时代,这个古老的墓地曾经沉睡在深深的海底。

    The ancient graveyard once lay deep underwater during the Jurassic period , about 200 million to 145 million years ago .

  2. 侏罗纪时代图片集。一个挖掘脚爪在干燥台地,科罗拉多州,揭示了这些侏罗系的宝石:脚爪从现在灭绝的动物。

    Photo Gallery : Jurassic Period A dig in Dry Mesa , Colorado , revealed these Jurassic jewels : claws from a creature now extinct .

  3. 侏罗纪时代图片集。一群腕龙聚集在一个森林海岸在这方面艺术家的描述。

    A herd of brachiosaurus congregates on a forested coast in this artist 's depiction .

  4. 在侏罗纪时代,泛大陆一分为二,部分开始漂移。

    During the Jurassic , Pangea broke in half and started drifting apart .

  5. 在侏罗纪时代,恐龙发展到鼎盛时期。

    At the time of the Jurassic , the dinosaurs were in their prime .

  6. 其二是恐龙金刚——制造于侏罗纪时代的新型机器人。

    and Dinobots , a new species of robot that was created during the Jurassic era .

  7. 人类所知的最早的鸟类,始祖鸟,生活在白垩纪前的侏罗纪时代。

    The earliest known bird , Archaeopteryx , lived during the Jurassic , the period before the Cretaceous .

  8. 四周所看到的岩石大多是侏罗纪时代的,因此这里就是原始恐龙的国度。

    All the rocks you can see around here are mostly of Jurassic age , so this is prime dinosaur country .

  9. 侏罗纪时代图片集。古生物学家在中国河南省盆地发现了这窝蛋化石所奠定的侏罗系(嘴巴)象鸭的食草动物鸭嘴龙。

    Photo Gallery : Jurassic Period Paleontologists in China 's Henan Basin discovered this nest of fossilized eggs laid by the Jurassic duck-billed herbivore Hadrosaurus .

  10. 我们将在本集中,男孩子们意外旅游回来的侏罗纪时代的时间机器,他们正试图修理在自然历史博物馆。

    In this episode , the boys accidentally travel back in time to the Jurassic Age with the time machine they are trying to repair at the natural history museum .

  11. 参与该项研究的山东临沂大学的郑晓廷教授说:奇翼龙生活在侏罗纪时代,所以它算是鸟类支系飞翔演化过程中的一个先锋。

    Professor Zheng Xiaoting , from Linyi University in Shandong who also took part in the study , said : ' Yi qi lived in the Jurassic , so it was a pioneer in the evolution of flight on the line to birds .

  12. 后者主要分布在辽宁及山东等地,成矿比成岩要晚20~120Ma以上,成岩时代主要为侏罗纪,成矿时代为白垩纪。

    The latter mainly appears in Liaoning and Shandong Provinces with older age of magmatic body ( mainly during Jurassic period ) and with younger time ( minly during Cretaceous period ) of mineralization . The time differences are larger than 20 ~ 120 Ma .