
  1. The < audio > tag identifies sound content , such as music or any other audio streams .

  2. 与我聊到这个话题的几位学生说,虽然获得了能够支付学费和食宿费的全额奖学金,但还是不断遇到各种困难,从负担校内学生活动的开销(例如音乐喜剧和音乐会)、缺席“希腊生活”

    Students I spoke with talked about how , despite full academic scholarships that cover tuition , room and board , difficulties arise with everything from affording on-campus student events ( such as musicals or concerts ) , to missing out on Greek life ,

  3. 这一问题不仅出现在iPhone上,其他一些苹果产品,例如iPod音乐播放器的用户也发现了类似问题。

    The problem was not limited to the iPhone , with some owners of other Apple products , such as iPod music players , also complaining of a similar problem with their alarms .

  4. AkheylahHunter:“我们在不同的地方演出,例如伯克利音乐学院。我们进行旅行,我们会去HouseofBlues,我们也登台演出,真的非常有趣。”

    AKHEYLAH HUNTER : " We performed in different places like at Berklee College of Music . We go on trips , like we went to the House of Blues and we went on stage and we performed , and it was very fun . "

  5. 研究机构IDC的欧洲移动设备研究总监弗朗西斯科潆坧尼莫(FranciscoJeronimo)表示,功能手机(具备一些基本功能的手机,例如播放音乐和上网)正逐渐被低价智能手机取代。

    Feature phones - handsets with some basic functions such as playing music and accessing the internet - are gradually being replaced by low cost smartphones , according to Francisco Jeronimo , research director for European mobile devices at IDC , the research group .

  6. 例如,音乐课、美术课以及戏剧课,就被给予过多的关注。

    Thus , more attention , from both schools and parents , should be given .

  7. 第三个是我们生活的噪音,例如,音乐和电视的声音。

    The third noise is the noise of our lives , such as , the sound of music and television .

  8. 它有很多的帮助特性,例如减缓音乐速度,重复,转调等等。

    It has many help features , for example to slow down music , repeat , transpose , and so on .

  9. 针对一种具体的智能(例如,音乐智能)都可以拓展相应的课程资源。针对一个具体英语课程任务(例如,阅读练习),也可以开发出适合各种智力特点的丰富多彩的课程资源形式。

    Aiming at a certain kind of intelligence , for example , the Musical Intelligence , we can expand its homologous course resources ;

  10. 视频还可以用来探索较难通过书面形式表现的领域,例如地下音乐界。

    Video can also be used to explore areas that are harder to capture on paper – such as an underground musical scene .

  11. 例如,音乐行业就一直在向互联网服务提供商施加重压,要求它们切断坚持分享有版权保护的媒体文件的用户。

    There has been heavy pressure from the music industry , for example , to force ISPs to disconnect users who persistently share copyrighted media files .

  12. 她说音乐训练包括整合不同类型的信息,例如听音乐、看音符、触摸乐器和观察其他的音乐家。

    She says musical training involves putting together different kinds of information , such as hearing music , looking at musical notes , touching an instrument and watching other musicians .

  13. 为了保护数字式内容,例如保护音乐录音、电影、软件以及在互联网和广播中传播的数字式内容,技术保护措施是必要的。

    Technical protection measures were necessary in order to protect digital content , including recorded music , movies , software and digital content streamed over the Internet or broadcast over airwaves .

  14. 例如,音乐的节奏、声调和音量已被证明对消费者在超市逗留的时间和购买意愿等行为具有影响力。

    For example , the rhythm , pitch , and volume of musice has been shown to influence behavior such as the amount of time spent in supermarkets or intentions to purchase products .

  15. 第三个是我们生活的噪音,例如,音乐和电视的声音。在这些噪音的分类中,汽车噪音是最难解决的。

    The third noise is the noise of our lives , such as , the sound of music and television . In these types of noise , the car is the most difficult noise .

  16. S5也不再预装一些占据空间的应用,例如用于购买音乐和视频的SamsungHub。

    It also no longer pre-installs some space-hogging apps like the Samsung Hub for buying music and video .

  17. 它已从与PC关系密切的产品入手,例如MP3数字音乐播放机和类似于计算机显示器的17英寸平面电视机。

    It has started with products closely linked to the PC , such as MP3 digital music players and17-inch flat-panel television sets that resemble computer monitors .

  18. 英语同样是全球文化的语言,例如,流星音乐和因特网。

    English is also the language of global culture , such as popular music and the Internet .

  19. 例如,在音乐处理软件中,歌曲一词比起文件来更显得用户友好。

    For example , in a music sequencer , Song would be a much more user-friendly term than File .

  20. 我喜欢各种各样的音乐例如:蓝调音乐、爵士乐、乡村音乐、流行音乐、民乐、街舞、古典音乐

    I love all kinds of music like : Blues , Jazz , Country music , pop music , folk music , hip-hop , classical music

  21. 此控件由于具有通用的功能,所以不失为一种明智的选择,例如在为音乐播放器应用程序创建音量控件时。

    Because of its versatile functionality , this control is an obvious choice , for example , if you want to create a volume control for a music player application .

  22. 实验结果表明,该编码方式具有很好的顽健性,适合于不同来源的语音信号,例如带背景音乐的语音。

    The experiment results indicate that this technique is provided with a good robustness and is fit for different sources of speech signal , such as speech in musical backgrounds .

  23. 此外,在他们并无上乘表现的领域&例如绘画与音乐,他们也会走极端,不是吹嘘他们本国的作品,就是大肆模仿欧洲大陆的作品。

    Moreover , in fields where they are not pre-eminent - e.g. in painting and music - they too alternate between boasting of native products and copying those of the Continent .

  24. 通过蓝牙技术将数字媒体内容(例如文档、音乐、电子照片、视频、游戏等)发送到个人移动终端上,将形成巨大的商业应用价值。

    By Bluetooth technology to digital media content ( eg documents , music , photos , videos , games , etc. ) is sent to personal mobile devices , will form a huge commercial value .

  25. 我知道要做记者需要对很多东西都有兴趣,例如美术、音乐、科学,不仅仅是语文或者英语。

    I know that a reporter needs to be interested in many different things , not just Chinese and maths , such as art , music and science . A reporter must be have many skills .

  26. 今天的移动终端平台具备了办公、娱乐、社交等多种功能,其存储的数据也变得更加丰富,例如图片、音乐、视频、动画等等。

    Today , mobile device concretes office , entertainment , social contact and other functions . Accordingly , the data on them are becoming rich , for example , photo , music , video , flash are normal .

  27. 首先室友应该坦诚不公地解决现有问题,例如清洁、音乐、学习时间以及熄灯时间等,我们必须要在出现问题并无法控制之前加以解决。

    In the practice of communication , roommates should , first of all , share openly their expectations on issues , such as cleanliness , visitation , music , study time and lights out , before they have problems and get out of control .

  28. 智力的活动例如看书否听音乐可以修复我们的心理状态。

    Intellectual activities such as reading books or listening to music can revitalize our mental processes .

  29. 此外,莎温茨具有在这个领域特殊的才能,例如,在学习音乐方面。

    Furthermore , savants typically possess prior exposure to those domains , such as listening to music around the home .

  30. 现实生活中的许多问题都可以看成隐式目标优化问题,例如服装设计、音乐创作、图像检索等。

    Many practical problems can be recognized as this kind of optimization problems , such as fashion design , music composition , image processing , and so on .