
  • 网络crest;Crest toothpaste
  1. 20世纪50年代,斯梅尔帮助公司推出了佳洁士牙膏,而且他在公司的职位稳步上升。

    Smale helped develop Crest toothpaste in the 1950 's and steadily progressed through the corporate ranks at P & G.

  2. 他想有一天,我会走进这家商店,大声叫嚷着“哪里有佳洁士牙膏”?一盏明灯将出现在我头顶。

    Someday , he thought , I will walk into this store . I will ask out loud , " Where 's the Crest toothpaste ? " A bright light will appear above my head .

  3. 这家吉列(Gillette)剃须刀和佳洁士(Crest)牙膏的制造商,公布了一项剥离100个品牌的新方案。

    The maker of Gillette razors and Crest toothpaste has unveiled a plan to shed up to 100 brands .

  4. 上海市工商行政管理局表示,宝洁夸大了有关佳洁士(Crest)牙膏的一些宣传,经过数字处理改变了广告中的图像,让牙齿变得更白。

    The Shanghai watchdog said the brand overstated some claims about its Crest toothpaste and digitally altered images used in advertising to make teeth look whiter .

  5. 结论:含有多聚磷酸钠的佳洁士皓爽白牙膏在提高釉质表面润湿性方面优于一般防蛀牙膏,能明显提高刷牙者牙齿滑爽的程度。

    CONCLUTION : Toothpastes containing polyphosphate can increase wetting of enamel surface , which can improve consumer 's tooth-brushing experience .