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  • 网络Walter Pater;Pate;Pet;Pat
  1. 20世纪80年代标志性的摇滚乐手佩特?班纳塔让“爱情就像战场”(loveisabattlefield)这个说法家喻户晓。而移动互联网的普及则让这个说法成为了现实。

    It was iconic ' 80s rocker singer Pat Benatar who popularized the phrase " love is a battlefield . " But it has been the ubiquity of the mobile Internet that realized it .

  2. 最高级别就是土星之下的佩特(父亲)级别。

    Highest grade was of Pater ( father ) under Saturn .

  3. 佩特谓诸艺造妙皆向往于音乐之空灵澹荡。

    All Arts aspire to the condition of music .

  4. 波波卡特佩特山坡上的十六世纪早期修道院

    Earliest 16th Century Monasteries on the slopes of Popocatepetl

  5. 佩特如今有钱又有地,所以他的弟弟也对他另眼相看。

    Pitt 's money and acres had a great effect upon his brother .

  6. 佩特的名气更加助长了埃及时代存在外星生物的谣传。

    His reputation has fueled the rumors of extraterrestrial life in Egypt even more .

  7. 目前还不清楚拉格菲尔德离世之后将由谁来照顾邱佩特。

    It is not yet known who will look after Choupette after Lagerfeld 's death .

  8. 在纽约大学格瑞美术馆,由甘佩特女士主管的展览项目的影响大大超出学校的期望。

    Gumpert has implemented an exhibition program with significant impact well beyond the university 's confines .

  9. 一个热诚的年代,如此热烈而认真地追随着艺术(沃尔特佩特)

    An impassioned age , so ardent and serious in its pursuit of art ( Walter Pater )

  10. 博德维毕业于西点军校,是陆军预备役,她曾为佩特拉尔斯写过自传。

    Broadwell 's a West Point graduate , an army reservist who wrote a biography of Petraeus .

  11. 理论之死与作者之死&佩特与王尔德唯美主义批评的一个诗学主题

    Death of Theories and Death of Authors & A Poetic Theme of Aesthetic Criticism in Pater and Wilde

  12. 去年他在一次采访中表示,“除了其他人”,他还会把他的财产赠予邱佩特。

    Last year he told an interviewer that ' among others ' he would be giving his riches to Choupette .

  13. 1999年,甘佩特女士获法国政府颁发的「艺术文学骑士荣誉」。

    In1999 she was honored by the French government with the distinction of Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters .

  14. 耶路撒冷的洛克菲勒博物馆从佩特家中带走了这些古代文物,并且要保守秘密。

    The artifacts were taken from Petrie 's home by Jerusalem 's Rockefeller Museum and are said to be kept secret by them .

  15. 普埃布拉城建于1531年,位于墨西哥城东约100公里的波波卡特佩特火山山脚下。

    Puebla , which was founded ex nihilo in1531 , is situated about100km east of Mexico city , at the foot of the Popocatepetl volcano .

  16. 他认为住在莱茵河左岸的乌济佩特人和邓克泰人的人口,包括妇女和儿童在内,共为18万人。

    He places the number of the usipetans and the tencterans who appeared on the left bank of the Rhine at180000 , women and children included .

  17. 正当整个时尚界都在为拉格菲尔德哀悼,而除了他的众多继承人,他的爱猫邱佩特可能也会继承他的1.5亿英镑财产的一部份。

    As the fashion world mourns Lagerfeld , his beloved cat Choupette is one of a number who could be set to inherit his £ 150million fortune .

  18. 迈尔斯先生四月的时候带着26岁的弟弟佩特开始了环球旅行,且替他承担旅行费用。

    Mr Myles took off on his round-the-world tour in April , taking his brother Pete , 26 , along for the ride and picking up his tab .

  19. Cuexcomate背后的事实才是它吸引人的原因。早在1664年,Cuexcomate就形成了,是更大的波卡特佩特火山火山的延伸。

    It 's the facts behind it that make it fascinating . Cuexcomate formed way , way back in 1664 , an offshoot of the bigger Popocatepetl volcano .

  20. 作为有史以来最优秀的考古学家之一,除非那些古文物极其重要,否则很难想象佩特会一直隐藏它们。

    Being one of the best archaeologists of all time , it is hard to imagine that Petrie would have hidden the items if they weren 't of massive importance .

  21. 这位设计师晚年最重要的伙伴之一就是他的伯曼猫邱佩特,拉格菲尔德称它为他唯一的真爱,而且他还曾说过,如果(与动物结婚)合法的话,他会与邱佩特结婚。

    One of the designer 's most important companions in later life was his Birman cat Choupette , who he has called his one true love and said he would marry if it were legal .

  22. 不过邱佩特并不只是一只宠物猫,它只参与了两个广告的拍摄就在一年里独自挣得了230多万英镑,其中一个是为日本美容产品植村秀拍摄的,另一个则是为德国汽车公司沃克斯豪尔拍摄的。

    But Choupette isn 't only a kept kitty , for she made more than £ 2.3million in one year alone after appearing in just two ad campaigns - one for Japenese beauty product Shu Uemura , and for German car company Vauxhall .

  23. 但2012年7月,参议员兼人民运动联盟保守党成员艾伦•胡佩特在一项递给娜雅·瓦洛·贝尔卡桑的公开申请中表示,这项法律的“象征意义”可能会“削弱我们的现代意识”,并请求部长撤销此项法律。

    In July however , in a public request directed at Ms Vallaud-Belkacem , Alain Houpert , a senator and member of the conservative UMP party , said the " symbolic importance " of the law " could injure our modern sensibilities , " and he asked the minister to repeal it .