
  1. 如果我倒下了或者出局了,你还爱我吗?

    Would you love me if I was down and out ?

  2. 当我年老了,头发灰白了,你还爱我吗?

    Will you still love me when I 'm old and grey ?

  3. 你还爱我吗

    Do you still love me at all ?

  4. 但……在你消化这事的时候,你能告诉我……你还爱我吗?

    But ... While you 're taking all the time you need , you think you could maybe .. tell me that you still love me ?

  5. 你是否已忘了所有我知道的与我们共享的?当你看到我为你的爱而默哀时挽起我的手难道你那时还爱我吗?

    Have you forgotten all I know and all we had ? You saw me mourning my love for you and touched my hand I knew you loved me then ?