
  1. 或是就你的情形来讲,顺着他们的眼光前进。

    Or , in your case , their eyes .

  2. 我永远不会忘记在这家餐馆第一次见到你的情形。

    Never will I forget meeting you for the first time in this restaurant .

  3. 不过和你的情形不一样。

    Not that * Not in the same way that you are , though .

  4. 在你的情形中,假如我是,当你做了的时候,我已经完全地做。

    I 'd have done exactly as you did if I had been in your situation .

  5. 我甚至不想把你的情形叫做“掉入爱河”,那看起来反而更象“欲井陷落”,或者是跟你所神化的人进行的一场冲动之爱。

    I wouldn 't even call what you 're doing'falling in love ' . It may be more like " falling in lust ", or an infatuation with who you think the other person is .

  6. 你先生的情形就不一样了。

    Your husband is a different story .

  7. 医生:30天后回来复诊,我会看看你恢复的情形。

    Doctor : come back to see me in thirty days and I 'll check on your progress .

  8. 我的同事是一些工程师,因此我没觉得你描述的情形有什么可怕。

    I work with engineers and so don 't find there to be anything frightening about what you have described .

  9. 经营架构好坏,取决于你个人的情形。基本来说,在法律层面经营有三种常见架构。

    Whether a structure is right or not depends largely on your own situation . basically , there are three common profit trading structures .

  10. 想象一下不能说出“我饿了”,“我好疼”“谢谢”以及“我爱你”的情形。

    Imagine being unable to say , " I am hungry , " " I am in pain , " " thank you , " or " I love you . "

  11. 最让你头疼的情形不是与英语母语者交谈,而是听他们之间的谈话。

    The most frightening situation is when you 're listening to a conversation going on between native Americans , at a certain point , you may wonder whether they 're speaking the language of ENGLISH .

  12. 那不是真正的我,让你看看真实的情形。

    That wasn 't me , let me show you the way .

  13. 你觉得这样的情形会持续多久?

    Do you think how long can the situation last ?

  14. 这是一种你能够改变的情形。

    That is a situation that you can change .

  15. 你懂的这种情形下是的

    And you know , the situation . Right .

  16. 你认为美国的情形是哪边有较优势的政治实力?

    Which group do you think has greater political power in the United States ?

  17. 想像一下,电梯门打开后,一条狗突然跑出来冲你狂叫的情形。

    Imagine the elevator door opening and a dog running out and barking at you .

  18. 新月连结天王星所表示的是无法预料的情形即将上演,新月往往表示你家庭内部的情形。

    The fact that the new moon-always an indication of your domestic condition-is conjunct Uranus shows that unforeseen situations will be at play .

  19. 我希望以后有人问起你今天见到的情形时,你能把这一点告诉他们。

    I hope you 'll testify to them that will be likely to question you as to what you 've seen this day .

  20. 下次如果你处于别扭的情形中,就把自我身上的注意力转到别人身上吧,并且问问自己怎样才能帮助他们或者给他们的人生增添价值。

    Next time you are in an uncomfortable situation , shift your focus to someone else and ask yourself how you can help them or add value to their lives .

  21. 我以前看到过你和男人讲话的情形。

    I 've watched you when you talk to a man .

  22. 我不喜欢你上司斥责你的情形。

    I don 't like the way your supervisor rips into you .

  23. 请你说说你得救的情形?

    Could you tell us how you were saved ?

  24. 让我告诉你最可能出现的情形。

    Let me give you the most plausible scenario .

  25. 你不知道外面的情形吗?

    Did you see what it 's like outside ?

  26. 我相信你可以了解这样的情形。

    I think you get the picture here .

  27. 但我认为你不了解这里的情形有多危急。

    But I don 't think you understand how critical the situation is out there .

  28. 不要告诉我你每个月的销售情形。你的盈亏情况如何?

    Don 't tell me what your monthly sales are . what 's your bottom line ?

  29. 你总能看到这样的情形,他们看不到亚洲男性的男子气概,这太奇怪了。

    You see it all the time , and it 's so weird that they don 't see sexuality in Asian men .

  30. 如果你观照一下当前的情形,很明显不是每一个众生都是我们现在的父母,只有两个人是我们的父母。

    If you look at your present day situation then it 's obvious that not every sentient beings is our present day mother and father .