
  • 网络job control;OPERATING CONTROLS;Operations control
  1. 一个实用NMR谱仪作业控制软件包

    A practical software of the job control for NMR spectrometer

  2. 这些工具对源代码、作业控制语言(JobControlLanguage,JCL)、中间件配置元数据和其他构件的分析将被捕获在数据库中。

    Their analysis of source code , Job Control Language ( JCL ), middleware configuration metadata , and other artifacts is captured in a database .

  3. Linux的进程管理及作业控制

    On the Job Control and Process Management of Linux

  4. ERP系统中车间作业控制模块的主要功能及实施

    Principle Functions and Execution of Control Model for Workshop Operation in ERP System

  5. 如何进行作业控制,在HSE管理中特别重要。

    How carries on the job control , is specially important in the HSE management .

  6. 基于DBR理论的半导体晶圆厂生产作业控制

    Production Control in Wafer Fabrication Based on DBR Theory

  7. 提出了MC生产环境下的MRPⅡ/JIT混合的生产管理系统的基本框架,并重点讨论了主生产计划、物料需求计划和车间作业控制的相关技术。

    Then , presents a hybrid system of MRP II / JIT to build the framework of flexible production management system .

  8. 系列将深入研究作业控制、正则表达式(一种奇怪的方言,但并不难掌握)、如何编译从Internet上下载的新的实用工具,等等。

    Series delves into job control , regular expressions ( a strange dialect , to be sure , but not impossible to master ), how to build new utilities you download from the Internet , and more .

  9. 编组站CIPS系统和SAM系统实际上包括作业控制自动化、数据处理自动化和调度指挥智能化三大部分。

    The marshalling station CIPS system and SAM system include operation control automation , data processing automation , and dispatch and command intellectualization .

  10. 车间作业控制是制造企业MRPⅡ/ERP系统的一个重要组成部分,是MRPⅡ/ERP计划的具体实施环节。

    Shop Floor Control ( SFC ) is an important component of MRPII / ERP system in manufacturing enterprises . It is the executive part of MRPII / ERP plans .

  11. 在综合ERP的计划性,JIT的车间作业控制和TOC对瓶颈环节的持续改善的优势后,提出了集成ERP、JIT、TOC三者的生产计划与控制系统以及利用仿真实施集成系统的过程。

    After considering ERP planning , JIT workshop homework control and TOC continuous improvement of bottleneck link , puts forward an integrated ERP , JIT and TOC three production planning and control system .

  12. ERP的概念、功能模块和功能目标,ERP主生产计划、物料需求计划和车间作业控制理论,MES的概念、作用、功能模块与发展趋势。

    The conception , function modules and function goals of ERP , principal production schedule , manufacturing resource planning , control theory of the shop are studied . The concept , functions , function modules and developing trend of MES are analyzed .

  13. 例如,如果在不具有作业控制的系统上调用setpgid(),则将会接收到ENOSYS错误。

    For example , if you call setpgid () on a system without job control , you 'll get an ENOSYS error .

  14. 最后还介绍了一种不直接涉及操作系统本身而是通过系统提供的作业控制语言(JCL)来实现协议功能的一种方法。

    Finally , a method is presented so that one can realize the protocol functions by means of the system Job Control Language ( JCL ) without modification of the operating system of the mainframe .

  15. 在资源充足情况下,航班延误的地面作业控制主要采用AOE方法,缩短关键路线的作业时间。

    When the resources are enough , the method of AOE can be used to deal with the ground services when the flights delay . The key point is to cut the time of key paths .

  16. 切萨皮克公司将保留密西西比灰岩油气田的作业控制权。

    Chesapeake will retain operational control of the Mississippi lime field .

  17. 海底管线维修干式舱作业控制与监测

    Control and monitor for dry cabin operation of seabed pipeline maintenance

  18. 特殊用途浮船坞作业控制系统研究

    Study of Control System for Special Purpose Float Dock Operation

  19. 煤焦输送系统自动运转作业控制方法

    Control Method on Automatic Running Operation of Coal & Coke Conveyor System

  20. 模具车间作业控制系统设计

    Design of a shop floor control system for mould manufacturing

  21. 批处理作业控制文件生成器设计

    The Design of Control File Generator for Batch Job Processing

  22. 智能装载机作业控制系统的设计及仿真

    Design and Simulation of Operation Control System for Intelligent Loader

  23. 操作系统作业控制程序气象卫星作业控制中心

    Operating system job control program Meteosat Operations Control Centre

  24. 装载机自主铲装作业控制策略

    Study on Autonomous Scooping Control Strategy of Wheel Loader

  25. 在生产调度方面本文主要对作业控制层的实时调度进行研究。

    The real-time scheduling of control layer is researched with emphasis in this paper .

  26. 线性规划法用于炼油生产作业控制系统中的综合平衡环节

    A Synthetic-Balance Link of a Linearized Programming Application to a Refinery Production Job Control System

  27. 国际电信卫星操作中心气象卫星作业控制中心

    INTELSAT Operation Center Meteosat Operations Control Centre

  28. 某炼油厂生产作业控制系统

    A Refinery Production Job Control System

  29. 操作系统作业控制程序

    Operating system job control program

  30. 气象卫星作业控制中心

    Meteosat Operations Control Centre