
  • 网络Buddhist art;Buddhism art
  1. 变相是佛教艺术中的一个重要范畴。

    Transformation image is a important category in the Buddhist art .

  2. 论佛教艺术在构建社会主义和谐文化中的积极意义

    On the Buddhist art in building a socialist harmonious culture positive significance

  3. 三楼展厅有佛教艺术和珍宝展。

    Buddhism Art and rare treasure exhibition at the third floor gallery .

  4. 佛教艺术也像其它宗教艺术一样,是以神为本的。

    Like other forms of art , the Buddhist art is also god-based .

  5. 石窟这样一种艺术形式也是佛教艺术形式的一种。

    Such a grotto art forms of Buddhism is a form of art .

  6. 第五章回过头来说了中国的佛教艺术和石窟艺术。

    Chapter look back and say the Chinese Buddhist art and grotto art .

  7. 佛陀的音乐观与原始佛教艺术

    Buddha 's Views of Music and Early Buddhist Arts

  8. 中国佛教艺术的产生与兴盛

    The Advent and Flourish of Buddhist Art in China

  9. 它成为佛教艺术最为灿烂的宝库。

    It is a splendid treasure of Buddhist art .

  10. 佛陀世界&印度佛教艺术

    World of Buddha & Art of Indian Buddhism

  11. 佛教艺术传播的统一性&麦积山、炳灵寺早期造像的比较

    Unity of Buddhism Art Propagation Against Unity

  12. 佛教艺术完美地诠释了这两种感情,并把它们作为人类存在所能取得的最高成就。

    Buddhist art beautifully expresses these two graces as the ultimate achievements of human existence .

  13. 从考古发现看疏勒与龟兹佛教艺术之交流

    The Intercourse of Buddhist Art between Shule and Qiuci in the Light of Archaeological Discovery

  14. 中国佛教艺术有着无穷无尽的神奇魅力,是绘画创作取之不尽的源泉。

    Chinese Buddhist art is endless magic charm , and is an inexhaustible source of creative painting .

  15. 中国佛教艺术研究

    Study On Chinese Buddhism Art

  16. 我的艺术致力于运用现代材料和感性表达来呈现传统佛教艺术的风格。

    My art is dedicated to expressing iconic Buddhist traditional forms and styles employing modern materials and sensibility .

  17. 而壁画作为敦煌佛教艺术重要的组成部分,非常值得我们进行研究。

    The mural as part of the Buddhist art of Dunhuang is very important , worthy of our study .

  18. 佛教艺术泛指与佛教相关的建筑、雕塑、绘画、文学与音乐等艺术作品。

    Buddhist art generally refers to the architectures , paintings , literature or music works that related to Buddhism .

  19. 新疆佛教艺术是中国传统文化艺术中光彩夺目的一部分。

    The Buddhist art of Xinjiang is a part of Chinese traditional culture and art inits brightness dazzles the eyes .

  20. 敦煌石窟是世界上现存规模最大、内容最丰富的佛教艺术圣地,是东方艺术殿堂中的奇葩。

    Dunhuang Grottoes is the most abundant largest , the world Buddhism holy land , is the flower of Oriental Art .

  21. 致力于寻找传统艺术与油画创作的能呈现出佛教艺术的结合点。

    My interest includes both traditional and contemporary expressive styles , with a focus on oil-painting incorporating Buddhist images and design .

  22. 请为我说明一下,因为就我所知,这在佛教艺术的历史上完全是一件新奇的事。

    Explain it for me please as it is a complete novelty in Buddhist art history as far as I know .

  23. 佛教艺术发源于公元前6至前5世纪左右,历史上的释迦牟尼佛陀涅盘之后的印度次大陆。

    The Buddhist art was originated from around6th century BC to5th century BC after Sakyamuni Buddha 's nirvana in the subcontinent of India .

  24. 莫高窟是世界上最大、内容最丰富和使用时间最长的佛教艺术宝库。

    The largest and richest Buddhist treasure trove in the world , the Mogao Grottoes have been in use for the longest time .

  25. 往北,它通过中亚,渗入东亚形成了佛教艺术北部的分支;

    To the north , it traveled through Central Asia and reached East Asia , where there formed the north branch of Buddhism .

  26. 印度佛教艺术随著佛教的传入而进入中国的,对中国的艺术产生了强烈的影乡。

    With the introduction of Buddhism the Buddhist art of India is also introduced to china which had a strong influence on Chinese Buddhist art .

  27. 完成后,从另一处佛教艺术圣地——敦煌莫高窟——请来的专家将重新画上部分彩绘。

    After that , experts from the Mogao Caves of Dunhuang , another sanctuary of Buddhist art , are expected to restore some of the paint .

  28. 佛教艺术是佛教与世俗艺术相互结合的结果,它主要包括了绘画、雕塑等形式。

    Buddhist art is the result of the integration of Buddhist and Secular arts , it is mainly composed of a painting , sculpture and other forms .

  29. 它作为北魏早期佛教艺术的中心,给各地石窟艺术以巨大的影响。

    Being the early focus of Buddhism during the Northern Wei Dynasty , the Yungang Grottos had great influence on grotto art development in other Chinese areas .

  30. 本文就是要通过分析《簪花仕女图》这一画作,从而探寻出佛教艺术审美对唐代仕女画的影响。

    This thesis aims at exploring the effect of Buddhism aesthetic taste on Beauty Paintings of Tang , which bases on the analysis of painting Beauties Wearing Flowers .