
  • 网络buddhist temple;Buddhist monastery
  1. 那所佛教寺院位于市郊的最西北角。

    On the extreme northwestern outskirts of the city stands the Buddhist temple .

  2. 佛教寺院是我国的一项重要旅游资源。

    Buddhist temple is an important tourist resource in China .

  3. 北京地区佛教寺院文化特征初探

    Initial Research of the Buddhism Temple Cultural Features in Beijing Areas

  4. 北魏宦官与佛教寺院述略

    The Eunuchs and Buddhist temples in the Northern Wei Dynasty

  5. 这在中国佛教寺院的修建中是罕见的。

    This Buddhist temple in China 's construction was rare .

  6. 佛教寺院导游的真正目的是向游客介绍佛教文化。

    Their true goal is to introduce the Buddhism culture to the tourists .

  7. 神圣与世俗:旅游背景下佛教寺院建筑功能及其空间转化与管理

    The spatial transformation and management of Buddhist temple architectural functions under Tourism Development

  8. 唐代佛教寺院文化与诗歌创作

    Culture of Buddhist Temple and the Creation of Poetry in the Tang Dynasty

  9. 第五章分析了拉萨藏传佛教寺院的建筑空间;

    The five chapter analyzes the architecture space ;

  10. 当然了解了白马寺是中国最早的一座佛教寺院。

    Certainly . The White Horse Temple is the first temple of Chinese Buddhism .

  11. 现在中国有佛教寺院1.3万余座,出家僧尼约20万人。

    Currently China has 13,000-some Buddhist temples and about 200,000 Buddhist monks and nuns .

  12. 佛教寺院教育对宋代书院教学的影响

    Influence from the Temple Education of Buddhism to Academy Teaching in the Song Dynasty

  13. 明代宦官与佛教寺院

    Eunuchs and Buddhist Temples in Ming Dynasty

  14. 少林寺可能是对于西方人来说最熟知的大乘佛教寺院。

    Shaolin Monastery is the Mahayana Buddhist monastery perhaps best known to the Western world .

  15. 中古佛教寺院经济与世俗王权社会

    The Economy of Buddhist Temple and the Society of Monarchical Power in Middle Ancient Period

  16. 中国佛教寺院在经藏研究领域的成就与贡献

    The accomplishment and contribution of Buddhism monasteries of our country in the researching field on sutras

  17. 明季佛教寺院遍布黔中原因探赜

    An Exploration into the Reasons for the Buddhist Temples Built Everywhere in Guizhou in the Ming Dynasty

  18. 无处不在,佛教寺院的社区往往依赖于俗人对粮食和物质上的支持。

    Everywhere , Buddhist monastic communities tended to depend on the laity for food and material support .

  19. 唐代佛教寺院经济发展到了兴盛阶段,其经济活动和整个社会生活有着密切的联系。

    Buddhism Economy achieved great development in Tang dynasty , and had important touch with the whole society .

  20. 可以说,雍和宫是全国“规格”最高的一座佛教寺院。

    It can be said that the Lama Temple is the " specifications " the highest a Buddhist temple .

  21. 相国寺,是我国一座著名的佛教寺院,坐落在开封市中心。

    Xiang'Guo'Si which is located in the centre of the city is one of the most famous monasteries in China .

  22. 旅游资源群:概念特征、空间结构、开发潜力研究&以全国汉地佛教寺院旅游资源为例

    Tourism Resource Population : Conception , Spatial Structure , Exploiting Potentiality : A Case Study of the Han Buddhism Temple Tourism Resource

  23. “我真心希望,这些羊能被送到佛教寺院里,在那里颐养天年。”

    " It is my sincere wish that these goats be sent to Buddhist temples to live out their natural life spans . "

  24. 20世纪中叶,土默特地区藏传佛教寺院经济普遍陷入困境。

    Along with pauperization of Inner Mongolia in mid-20th century , monasteries in Tumed area was caught in difficult situation in terms of economy .

  25. 北京地区佛教寺院源远流长,基础深厚,其文化特征大体可概括为:“庙系天下”的政治色彩,“庙会商业”的世俗经济,“园林景观”的休闲场所。

    They are political flavor of the Buddism temple , the common custom economy of temple fare business and the fallow places of the gardening landscape .

  26. 圣地拉萨,是一座有1300多年历史的古城,存留有许多具有代表性的古老而珍贵的藏传佛教寺院。

    Lhasa , which located in the west of the Lhasa River Valley , is an ancient city with a history of more than 1300 years .

  27. 他的团队走上街头,并在社交媒体上警告人们,这些人和佛教寺院可能没有任何关系。

    His group has taken to the streets and social media to warn people that the men appear to have no affiliation to any Buddhist temple .

  28. 这句中国的古语里有种平静的智慧,它最初是由佛教寺院中的一位和尚告诉我的,当时我在中国,这句话给我的印象很深。

    There is a calm wisdom in this old saying that impressed me when I heard it first from a monk of a Buddhist monastery in China .

  29. 这句中国的古话,最初是由佛教寺院中的一位和尚告诉我的,当时给我的印象很深。这实在是一句至理名词,蕴含着冷静的慧智。

    THERE is a calm wisdom in this old saying that impressed me when I heard it first form a monk of a Buddhist monastery in China .

  30. 同国内其他省份,在云南居住的少数民族则要比较多。数家佛教寺院显示出在云南的文化影响力。

    A few Buddhist monasteries attest to other cultural influences in Yunnan province , which is home to more ethnic minorities than any other region of the country .