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yú nù
  • lingering anger
余怒 [yú nù]
  • [afteranger] 未消除的怒气

  • 余怒未消

  1. 我对他这种大言不惭的谈话,余怒未息。

    I was still annoyed at his bumptious style of conversation .

  2. 我知道你余怒未消;我们今晚来讨论这件事吧。

    I know you 're still angry ; let 's talk it over tonight .

  3. 举措被是平壤表示友好的,韩国对北韩开闸放水人员伤亡的事件仍然余怒未消。

    The move is widely seen as part of a broader charm offensive by Pyongyang , but comes as South Korea remains angry at a flood the North caused .

  4. 再想象朋友接信时的表情,不是喜出望外,而是余怒重炽,你那一点决心就整个崩溃了。

    Moreover , on visualizing the facial expression of friends when they receive the reply reburned lingering anger rather than surprised delight my tiny amount of determination dwindle into naught .

  5. 由于还有大量余怒要消,但又不知怎么办,他便对着他的女儿连续称了三个多月的“您”。

    Having an immense reserve fund of wrath to get rid of , and not knowing what to do with it , he continued to address his daughter as you instead of thou for the next three months .

  6. 伊丽莎白本来已经对他心平气和,纵使余怒未消,只要看他这次来访,情恳意切,喜庆重逢,这般情景便使得她有气也变成无气了。

    All Elizabeth 's anger against him had been long done away ; but , had she still felt any , it could hardly have stood its ground against the unaffected cordiality with which he expressed himself on seeing her again .