- 代where?

Where he is from is of no consequence to me .
Armstrong is uncertain where his long-term future lies
Eurocops was beaten in the ratings on Channel 4 by Kate and Allie , Hill Street Blues and St Elsewhere
Whatever stage of life you 're at , wherever you go and whatever project you do in GDA , you 'll create positive changes in a poor and remote community .
Where can it be going ? Wondered a bird with a laugh , " I once flew into the sky , then come down to enjoy myself among the bushes . That 's good enough for me . Where else does it want to go ? "
Under WTO The Way for China Car Industry
What are the goals of both companies in the social realm ?
In terms of SOA , I 'll be very interested to see where it goes .
How about the LED display market will be , and how to get the initiative in the competition LED display market .
The machine works by using hydrophones to pick up the dolphin sounds and LEDs to show the direction they came from .
What operator , after all , would threaten to block its customers from reaching Facebook or Twitter ?
Where is the way for TD-SCDMA ?
However , the public debt has been accrued not primarily through wasteful spending or " bridges to nowhere ", but because of ageing , says the IMF .
I just didn 't know what the next chapter should be , but then I met a guy named Phil Dunphy .
Yet the revival of John Maynard Keynes should not lead us to ignore Milton Friedman : where will all that money go ?
A Study on Technology Spillovers of FDI in Western China : Chongqing as a Case Study What we can do : the report on China Association for Science and Technology sci-tech periodicals team 's Netherland visit
While no standards war has erupted yet on the scale that brought HTML into the W3C in the first place , these two organizations are not always in agreement as to where HTML should go .
By keeping itself open to the entire range of video offerings , YouTube means to position itself to prosper no matter what the Internet / TV market ends up looking like .
Robert Parkes , equity strategist at HSBC , says : QE is one big monetary experiment and no one really knows what will happen or where the money will go .
Don 't trust the " source IP " address , the HTTP " Referrer " header value , or similar data to tell you where the data really came from ; those values come from the sender and can be forged .
The framework automatically transfers data and data conversion from request parameters , but where does the data go and how does OGNL figure out the target ?
And now you can make a FaceTime call over the cellular network . So no matter where you are , you are always able to see the ones you love .
DUBLIN & The morning after Ireland learned it had become the first nation to approve same-sex marriage by popular vote , Diarmuid Martin , the archbishop of Dublin , looked out at the future of the Roman Catholic Church .
David Graddol , the author of English next , says it is tempting to view the story of English as a triumph for its native speakers in North America , the British Isles and Australasia but that would be a mistake .
But it 's not clear where the evidence for this comes from and a large study by the European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition ( Epic ) two years ago of the dietary intake of more than 400000 people found only a weak link between eating fruit and vegetables and a reduction in overall cancer risk .
The second question is , Where are you coming from ?
Where is the Road & on the Innovation of Folk Arts
But no matter how far or how wide I roam .
They act as if they know where they 're going .
Dream in the end of the road leading to where ?